Cancel Culture and related issues

By being 13?

Linguistics is a legitimate field of study like any other, no? If so, is it hard to see how a person, department, insititution or whatever could be considered to be at the cutting edge of that field?

To be fair gendered language gets very tough to learn.
Learning Deutsche and there really is no mechanism to determine which is der, die or das.

There won’t be any harm in removing that.

On the other hand, English could learn to adapt sounds and be consistent with the pronunciation

Yeah, in terms of methodology or etymology or style, but the actual syntax, vocabulary, pronunciation etc. surely those things aren’t cutting edge?

That’s one of things I struggled with most when learning Spanish and Latin… is when to use what? It’s all so vague and once you start conjugating shit it all goes out the window.


Yeah but would Germans see it that way? Honest question.

They won’t, considering they grew up all their life with the language.

It’s pretty difficult to degender German and Spanish now, isn’t it?

It’s not just articles, it’s also pronouns, verb conjugation, nominative, dative, possessive in nominative & dative.
Gender is so ingrained in the language, how can they even begin to declutter is beyond me.


Not gonna happen in Italian or Portuguese either

Omg so true. Single male, single female, plural male, plural female. Why does an iron have a gendered? Why does a spoon? Why are pillows female?

We all know why pillows are female :arteta:

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Save it for OA After Dark you Labour-loving degenerate.


Context - Drunk Canadian Karen yells xenophobic shit at strangers next to her table in a restaurant, goes viral, loses job, gets sued. She is unable to find work and her husband separates from her.

The stress leads to prescription drugs which leads to an accidental overdose.

We really need some law to prohibit job expulsion for trivial arguments which goes viral. Atleast some level of stress can be elevated.

Well, If she wasn’t a hateful racist and xenophobe she could have avoided all these problems which led to her demise.


This would mean strengthening workers rights to the extent that you are telling organisations that they are not allowed to dismiss employees for causing them reputational harm. Never going to happen really.


The argument is that if organizations can say that they can’t do anything due to regulations, public will not think the brand has decided against taking action.
The damage to reputation won’t happen when public are aware that companies are not allowed to dismiss employees on such grounds.
Less finger blaming on the organization, less reputational damage.

If there are scenarios where it still hurts their reputation, they should be able to justify their inference.

Won’t work, the ‘damage’ will still occur.

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Like Rocky said, for a start, I don’t agree that this will prevent reputational damage. If a single company has several high profile incidents of employees being racist, or appalling in some other way, their organisation will be associated with these acts in many people’s minds.

But lets say that premise is accurate as a starting point, it’s still not happening. Corporations fight against the strengthening of workers rights and governments are largely inclined to favour their interests over those of workers, and the same would apply here. Corporations would fight any such legislation tooth and nail.

Lets look at the USA, as I understand it, most employment is “at will”, meaning you can quit without notice, but more importantly, organisations can fire employees without notice or any reason. In that context, there’s no way you’re going to pass legislation that prevents an employee of theirs from being fired for being a racist cunt and going viral, when employers already value their ability to fire an employee for far less reason than that (or no reason at all).

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Guess we are fucked.
What is the process to delete my OA account to avoid future firing.

It’s been 5 years though hasn’t it? The video was in 2018, and she passed away in 2023.

Yeah, but I can imagine the implications of that one incident must have had long-term mental health concerns.
She lost a job she held for 11 years, lost her husband, and was labelled as racist which she tried to change by doing volunteer work. In your late 40s, you can’t deal with all that and end up relying on prescription.
I just feel for her. Your drunk version is mostly a true version but also never your best version. One drunk incident shouldn’t destroy her like that.