Cancel Culture and related issues

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Transwomen Participating in Female Sports

A post was merged into an existing topic: Transwomen Participating in Female Sports

The issue of transwomen competing in female sports warrants its own thread I reckon, as it’s not really a cancel culture issue.

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Probably be a few thousand posts a week in it given all the encroaching going on so good shout.



Not cancel culture, but a related issue: apparently, Cambridge University is teaching non gendered German to be more inclusive and now linguists are warning that actual Germans and Austrians may not understand them lol.


Surely this is fake news

I thought so too but the editor of TES just tweeted it out.

Meredith was making fun of me last night because Kanye hadn’t been dropped by adidas. She was like “how are you gonna wear your Arsenal stuff if he’s out here saying antisemitic stuff?”

Thankfully he’s been dropped and I am back on my bullshit.

Jon Severs? Just went through a few days worth of his timelime and didn’t see anything.

What did he say exactly? Couldn’t find the tweet anywhere

Just pulled this from a Times article.

Undergraduates paying £9,250 a year have been urged to use “inclusive language” and “to use gender- and non-binary-inclusive language when we address or refer to students and colleagues, both in writing and in speech in English and in German”

Ann Mroz, former editor; sorry.

A few weeks ago he posted about how he wanted to go “death con 3” on the Jews, followed it up with some pretty antisemitic stuff about how Jews controlled Diddy, followed that up with an interview where he said (paraphrasing) “I can say antisemitic shit and adidas won’t drop me”

There were people on a LA freeway waiving banners saying that Kanye was right about “the Jews” as per usual.

The condemnation has been pretty swift from all corners except from adidas. I think a lot of his endorsement deals have gone.

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When a regular person decides to be antisemitic it’s deplorable but not particularly influential. When someone with as much mainstream media attention and influence does it - it’s flat out dangerous.

He deserves to be dropped and not given a platform


Is that it? The article is behind a paywall so I couldn’t read it.