Black Lives Matter Movement

I don’t think these people really get any pass. Everyone except themselves unanimously hate these people in America. They are the subject of satire, of the greatest disdain. Anyone who comes close to these stereotypes risks massive disdain.

The problem is there’s a fucking lot of them. And like any masses they become irritated and react as a mass group. And when there’s a fucking lot of them it’s impossible that there isn’t some idiot somewhere doing something fucking stupid which gets recorded by an iPhone, because there’s even more of those.

No need to imagine, just cast your mind back to the hazy days of 6th May

Didn’t see anything beyond this article so not sure what the reaction was. I’m sure Conservatives were wholly supportive of such action though, because they love the second amendment and definitely aren’t racist.

What Liverpool do is of very little importance.

I vaguely remember that. They should definitely do it more.




Not really posting here much since racism is personal to me and my temper isn’t really all that great. There’s already a precedent for this. Have a look at the Mulford Act. TL;DR: Black Panthers armed themselves and took it to the streets instead of self-defense and America (specifically White America) got uncomfortable real quick and passed gun control in California.

White Americans can be very fickle with their beliefs when convenient.

Here’s a link


Exactly. Maybe time to do this nationwide.

Also, imagine the looting and rioting that’s gonna happen when this copper will get off for the Floyd killing.


Or, option C, use the police and national forces in their power (if necessary) to neatly shut down the disturbance.

There’s few problems that having the actual power doesn’t solve.

Ultimately the Panthers didn’t help themselves or other black Americans. Most of them ended up dead or in prison. You can even look to the death of Tupac and blame it on his early life, massively influenced by the Panthers.

I’ve heard African Americans I know state that the Panthers made integration more difficult for them

What black people need in America is:

Gun control
Action on Police Brutality
Better police training
Being accepted as individuals rather than stereotypes


And more college graduates leading to more black people in position of power & decision making leading to less systematic racism.
I truly believe Gun control and Increased emphasis on education will change mentality. All the rest are temporary measures and only suppresses racism, not eradicate them.

I wonder if the original coroner will also face scrutiny.

Problem with that is they’re already facing an uphill economic battle, education is nice but if the deck is always stacked against you… If you really wanted equality in the US you’d need to probably give some general racial economic benefit to blacks and minorities and some general racial economic tax to whites.

Basically you’re suggesting more affirmative action, but affirmative action hasn’t properly reversed the huge economic disadvantages blacks face in US compared to whites, mostly due to who owns property/capital through the generations as nicely explained to me by Explained. :innocent:

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Well I can’t help the stupid amount of nuances & complexities. I managed to find a good charity to fund black education and donated a minuscule amount that I could afford.

If anyone agrees that education puts black community into a better situation, consider funding a scholarship. Protests, Riots and Looting will all be forgotten in a month. Teach a man to fish and he will eat forever.

Yes? If you focus on “film criticism” written by culture warriors/intellectuals then you’ll obviously get criticism that’s less about the form (I suspect none of them have ever read anything about film form) and more about what the film is doing/not doing politically.
Just simply avoid this kind of analysis.

Film criticism written by cinephiles is usually not race or gender obsessed in my experience.

bit off topic perhaps

Where does that leave Wenger and Arsenal wanting to buy him on this school of thought mate.

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Now inspiring social media posts about events an ocean away that we have little control over are all well and good, I wish we could us the same sentiments to pay similar attention to stuff we can actually enact change on.

This kind of research is important, even if the results make people uncomfortable.

Darker skins make it harder for the body to get vitamin D3 from the sun. This plays an important role in immunity. So our melanin rich friends should invest in vitamin D3 supplements for their older family members especially. @ryaninho @mhappy

It’s hard to prove beyond doubt when there are no broken neck bones. But bloodshot eyes are a giveaway it’s asphyxia

Publish it and I’ll be happy.

It’s endemic of football. Racism is condoned. We’ve seen it repeatedly. Schmeichel, John Terry and Suarez. In most other jobs, such racially charged language means the sack and potential loss of a career. In football, it’s a slap on the wrist, a badly written apology and all is back to normal.

Arsenal would have been part of the overall system and party to it had they signed Suarez, no doubt about that. What Liverpool did was overtly defend the indefensible

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Fucking Liverpool being show offs again!! :roll_eyes: