Black Lives Matter Movement

It’s fucked up because this is another one of those things that have been exported from the states. These types of things really haven’t been an issue here in the UK, but now your starting to see these new wave of “activists” claiming that it has in fact always been a “serious” issue and finding problems where there really isn’t any.

This is the kind of stuff that completely goes against what the idea of a meritocracy is and like @arsenescoatmaker says it’s discrimination. Surely even the poet wants her work to be translated in the best and most accurate way possible regardless of who does the translating!


It’s just a job role, even if the right profile is appointed systemic racism isn’t being fixed. Not even close too.

Amanda Gorman should definitely find a new publisher.

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I’m torn. Much of what Phillips says is true. However in America, the police brutalisation and systematic imprisoning of young black men who haven’t done a whole lot wrong is a whole other issue.


You are right there are so many layers to the issue that there is not an easy fix

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George Floyd trial for the main protagonist.

From a legal standpoint it is absolutely brain melting that a judge is allowing prior police interactions involving the victim. I believe they’ve said it’s to demonstrate the victim’s prior statements that he was a drug user and therefore show an alternative cause of death. But it’s really just backdoor character evidence. It’s disgusting.

Under MD rules of evidence (which may differ slightly from MN rules, don’t take legal advice from a message board kids), there’s only a few instance when character can be called into question and even fewer instances when the character is the murder victim’s character!

I just don’t know how the defense gets around the defendant removing the victim from the car.


From my recollection George actually asked to get out of the car and lay down. I might be wrong but that’s what I remember as the chain of the events.

Agreed on the victim blaming. The judge potentially trying to tap up the case is completely out of touch with the social anger here. ‘Justice needs to be seen to be done’. America will burn if Chauvin gets off.

Is the judge basically trying to pull a “he was a known violent criminal so the officers acted with reasonable force” type thing?

Did you guys watch the cam footage?

I’m not sure I’ve seen the full 9 minutes but yes

Apparently Chauvin accepted a plea deal but the Attorney General pulled out of it as he thought it would be seen as 2 leniant

There’s about 30 minutes of it.

It’s pretty sad, the man is clearly having a panic atack and not coping well.

It’s a difficult watch, seeing it, you can see they didn’t set out to kill the man.

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I’m not sure, I think Chauvin got pissed off with the resisting of arrest and wanted to leave a mark on Floyd at least. I say this because you can see him pressing his hand down into his pocket to increase the pressure on Floyd’s neck. They had already called for an ambulance yet Chauvin continued to choke Floyd out as bystanders were telling Chauvin ‘you’re killing him’.

Chauvin’s also killed a few civilians prior to this. Do you think that will be admissable into evidence @Joshua

I am confused. Who had a panic attack?

I read it more as the defense was trying to muddy the water by introducing the victim’s statement at a prior arrest that he was a drug user which gave him health issues which caused his death. But it’s also a very sneaky way to say “Oh hey jurors, this guy is a DRUG USER! And he’s got previous police interactions! This guy is a CRIMINAL!”

Maybe the defense is going to bring in a medical expert to say that the proximate cause of the victim’s death was some sort of underlying health issue caused from previous drug use. I still don’t quite understand how that allows the defense to enter that old body cam footage.

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You have to consider how the autopsy did say that there wasn’t enough pressure on the neck to cause asphyxiation, no bruising on the skin or the muscle tissue under the skin and also 4 times the level of fentanyl which is lethal btw, hence why the prosecution did not want to include it.

The prosecution focused on optics and sentiment more than anything else.

Of course, when mentioning one autopsy it would be remiss to not mention the other one that says death was in fact caused by asphyxiation.

Yeah doesn’t mean the knee did that hence the findings of no bruising on the neck or muscle underneath the skin (indicating applied force). Suffocating or choking on a foreign object is asphyxiation.

Yea I was just pointing out there are conflicting reports here which you conveniently did not mention.