
Of course telling people to think and take responsibility for themselves, makes me asshole :rofl:

Hey take responsibility for your body so don’t have to kill innocent kids in belly🤷🏾‍♂️

Ideology haha :rofl: I think you need some self reflection, you don’t need ideology to know when something is wrong on many levels.

Well that’s not fucking good.

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The leaker is a brave person and has almost ensured this will likely not happen.



Personally I’m not a big fan of it (who is) but I am realistic when it comes to this.

If it’s legal, it’s done properly and with women looked after in case things go wrong

If it’s not legal it happens in backalleys with horrible deaths from bleeding, sepsis etc


I’m guessing (based on OA’s track record) that this thread yet again will turn into a shit show. A shit show of men deciding for women what they can’t do with their bodies. Add a pinch of religion too and we’re all set.



May as well mute this bastard right now.

You can mute two people and you probably wont notice the shit show :slight_smile:


Chopping dicks off could be used as a recommendation again for some.

I just don’t understand where someone gets off thinking they should be entitled to control someone else’s body due to their own religious belief.

Mind boggling levels of entitlement.


That’s how religion works.
It’s about implementing control.

The lack of empathy and forgiveness shown by religious leaders and decision makers is astonishing, considering that is what they claim to be about.


A story as old as time itself.

Don’t forget the religious followers that enable them


How do you figure?

The only way to stop it would be somehow codifying Roe in Federal law. The Dems need 60 votes to do that or slimeballs like Manchin and Sinema to remove the filibuster.

Dunno just think there will be such a backlash to this peak that they will backtrack maybe.

I’m not sure enough people truly care to bring about a backtrack.

I know the polls generally say people are about 60/65% pro choice but it’s far from 65% who will protest and campaign for it, just this large middle ground that be want to let people just live their lives but probably wouldn’t even be drawn into a discussion on it. Which is their right of course, most of the time I’m right there with them and have actively protested very little in my lifetime.

Every dollar raised to oppose this will be matched by the other side or pulled straight from the taxpayers pockets to implement, fight and enforce the rules that will be brought in off the back of this decision.

It’s just a fucking shitshow, they could be getting on with actually helping people but no, this is what they would rather do. 50 years it’s taken them to get here bit by bit, many already failed challenges. It will be now fought the other way for the next 50 perhaps.