
You haven’t answered. Do you accept those cases are extreme circumstances?

Again the extreme cases and the other cases are not connected. It’s not about allowing one because of the other.

Before that question was posed to me I answered it!!

That’s reason was cited why we should have it.

Now tell me, if 99% of abortions are out of convenience where do we start considering the human rights of the child?

Well you didn’t answer it and you still haven’t answered it. Are those two specific examples what you would consider exceptional circumstances? Simple yes/no will do.

That’s not what 99% of abortions are so your question is invalid.

Me responding to @Trion


What now?

You can’t/won’t answer the question. It’s hilarious.

Clearly the mother in the scenario found it to be a difficult decision (the 1%) same for the incest.

Individual cases does not exempt the other 99%, if that’s your gotcha moment the it’s seriously lacking.

I’'m not trying to exempt anything.

I wasn’t looking for your thoughts on the mindset of the people in question. You still haven’t answered.

I posted 2 examples, do you agree those 2 examples are circumstances that are ethical acceptable abortions or not?

No they aren’t ‘gotcha moments’ or rare for late term abortions. The vast majority of third trimester abortions are due to fetal abdnomalities that couldn’t be diagnosed in the first 2 trimesters.

Show me that stats that most late term abortion are for complications.

Answer the question. :upside_down_face:

@arsenescoatmaker replied which clearly showed I answered it :man_facepalming:t5:

Here is what an aborted fetus looks like


No he actually asked you the question again because you haven’t answered it.

Why won’t you answer it?

He clearly didn’t read the post above his.

Plus what does the mother is thinking has anything to do with abortion a s a whole?

Bringing up extremes to do what prove abortion needs to be available for everyone?

Did you watch the video I posted

He did read it then he posed two sample cases to you to see if they are what you would consider extreme circumstances. That was all he did, not any of the other stuff you are talking about. Just answer, they either do or they don’t.

I didn’t watch the video, no.

And again it goes back to the 1%, I don’t get how many times I have to mention it. If @arsenescoatmaker is hung up on ethics, how about the 99% unethical uses of it what does he think of it?
Now if you please watch the video

Fucking hell this discussion makes me want to claw my eyes out


Chelsea fans are embryos?

I’ve no intention of watching the video just as you have no intention of answering the question. :+1: