
Because morons read into it something which he didn’t say. And on and on it goes.

Are you kidding me haha if you think that; the very survival rate but this has just grown with modern tech

But fetus being an unborn human some how you conveniently left that part out.

Ahh so now we can kill people with little or no intelligence, coma, vegetated state etc

Did you watch the video :rofl: wow. I mean really dude so I am guessing you are ok with women aborting babies while dilated or of which have been born :smirk:

No he was not talking about premature infants where the fuck did you get that from; plus why would you want to kill a premature baby, for fuck sake are people not even realising what you are actually supporting.

And stats just prove my point, it’s murder

It is fine if you have that stance but someone else with opposite stance should have the right to abort within 3-4months.

What will be your reaction if the government made it mandatory to have an abortion if you are not married or if you are single parent?

If a baby is dilated it can’t be aborted and will be delivered. What are the circumstances where you think a woman would request an abortion in such a scenario? She carries the child for nine months then just goes “nah, don’t fancy it”. Even if she could the doctors would not comply with such a request.

I’m for sensibile, compassionate healthcare. You’re for forced pregnancy.

So you admit you were lying to strengthen your position then? No the technology hasn’t actually improved much since the 80s. The world record is seemingly 21 weeks and 4 days and the vast majority born at this stage will die, No human baby born at 21 weeks has ever survived, if you can provide proof to the contary please do so.

As for the video, I’ve discussed the medical reality.

And yes we typically do remove life support from those in a vegetive state, which is the same thing.

When did life become something so trivial? When has the innocent become a burden?
Seriously it feels like people have lost their morals when you justify murdering innocent child in the womb.

I am not lying dude; due to the circumference we had to make provision just in case the child didn’t make it, also due to the mothers mental state the child was put up for adoption.

Also the child had a hole in his heart which had to be operated on.

The stats you provided are on average it’s not blanket, what’s the difference between 23 and 24 weeks?

We’re not talking about ‘killing’ a premature baby. We’re talking about not keeping a premature baby on respirators when it is in pain and has a 69% chance of survival of less and will need multiple heart operations and will have a painful existance even if it survives.

So the baby is probably going to die anyway, it’s going to be in pain and the parents have the right to not prolong that pain.

The Republican you quoted wants to take away that parental right.

Wow dude that’s some great compassion there; well your in pain now so let’s kill you because your existence is shit :+1:t5:

By your logic any kid that is born with a disability well you get the point…

So you saw a child delivered at 21 weeks or not?

The point your arguing is about keeping a baby who is in pain on respirators and possibly resuscitation alive artificially or if the baby should be no resuscitated if it can’t cope. No one is killing new born babies and it’s insensitive and dispicable for the Republican to conflate the 2.

It’s a similar situation to when Tupac was dying and he was resuscitated multiple times. Now his mother eventually decided to put him out of his anguish and not resuscitate him again. This is essentially the exact same thing with these babies who are constantly struggling in pain and the parents decide they don’t want to keep the baby in pain with little chance of survival.

I hope I’m never in a situation where I have to make that choice. But for that republican to conflate that situation with ‘killing’ is utterly disgusting and something we’ve come to expect from their party.

I think I gave up arguing with mhappy about 3 years ago. You guys will catch up soon.


Seemingly 15% surivial percentage but still a likely painful horrible death

Not me :man_facepalming:t5: Basically I worked in the mental Health team that was dealing with the client that gave birth.

So all the information was discussed during our meetings on a daily basis.

Not is not remotely the case; watch the damn video when the bill was proposed and tell me what she was talking about.

:rofl: cheers dude