You know what really grinds my gears?

Though years of reading the same old repetitive rhetoric of some posters on here should have prepared me well AMIRITE GUYS??!!! :crazy_face:


The problem is that the cliches you read on here are mostly related to Arsenal so, as long as the prospective employee is a Gooner, that should be enough to clinch it.


With that many replies in four days, can’t you just pull the ad - or are you locked in? Surely, you’d get the right person out of 114. No need to exacerbate your anguish. Jus’ trying to be helpful.

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Yeah that is helpful, cheers mate. I’ll see if it slows down tomorrow and raise the question with my manager.

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Can’t be employing any Tottenham supporters :rofl::rofl:

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Citrix/generally shit IT at work. Just over an hour into my day and I’ve been able to read a small handful of emails.

I actually hate it cos I’m sat at my desk and trying to get shit done against the odds, its not like having an excuse not to work or a day off and I can just go an get the xbox on.

It’s this fucking limbo where you can’t get shit done but you can’t just sack it all off either.


Citrix is so shit.

My work laptop is such a piece of shit, it actually ruins my productivity throughout the day.

Even just opening websites like LinkedIn etc take fucking ages and it really hampers my day to day as well. We’re forced to use Skype for Business as well, due to security issues with Zoom etc., which is just awful because almost none of our clients use it or can access it etc.

Opening large PowerPoint presentations and so on is a nightmare too. Our old tech and legacy systems are by far my biggest gripe with an otherwise wonderful job that I love.


Theme song on the Marcella series.

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I would like to confirm the older you get the more you can complain and moan about things and bugger me I can moan !

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Damn. I’ve been complaining since I could speak

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Well done :+1:t2:
There’s nothing better than a good sneeze and a moan .
Literally everything boils my tinkle !!

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Biting your tongue is an absolute bastard specially when you never expect it. Bloody chewing gum moving

If you are hungry enough, eating your tongue could be the last option.


School traffic.

Make em walk. Little gits.


School traffic. When you are trying to walk your kid too school and can’t get over the bloody roads trying to make the class bubble.


I live on the same road as a school. Get cars parked over my drive all the time. I hardly ever go out at those times, but that’s not the point. If there is no where to park then tough, don’t just block people in! Sometimes I’m tempted to just pretend to get in my car as the parent is coming back just to make a point :smile:


I live 200 yards from the beach here in California and ppl do the same thing here when they park in our neighborhood to walk to the beach. Not completely over the driveway but just enough to stick out and make it really difficult to get through, lmao seriously like these ppl are either actually that stupid or just don’t give af, that’s legit dirt pounder shit right there :joy::joy:


I don’t know what it is about driving and owing a car that makes so many people such arseholes but the arsehole level shoots right up as soon as a lot of people sit behind that wheel.


Sounds like Phoebs and BigWeng need to invest in a spiked belt.

Oh, and where’s a diphthong on this iPad? I’m sure Phoebica would appreciate that.


I cop the same shit in summer mate, people parking in my street to walk to the beach, it’s as annoying as fuck.

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