What was the last film you watched?

Rush. Been a good while since I’d last seen it. Still a really great film.

@Persona “Tell the priest fuck off, I’m still alive!”


I unexpectedly loved that film and still do. :slight_smile:

My reaction is still akin to this when I see that scene :sweat_smile::


Such an underrated film.

Just sat down to watch this Black mirror interactive thing in Netflix, cannot get into it.


Me Before You

Hit me right in the feels.

God Emilia Clarke is fucking lovely isn’t she


Good Will Hunting 10/10

Robin Williams :wenger2: :wenger2: what a performance.


One of my all time faves. Great film.

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Saw Alpha.
It’s alright

Mary Poppins returns

Cor blimey. . .that was fucking dreadful. Parenting can be such an overrated concept at times.

I, Daniel Blake.

Great film

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Just watched The Commuter as it was £3.50 on sky store. Decent film for a Saturday night.

Basically the train version of non stop :joy:

Watched birdbox last night, thought it was alright not amazing but not awful.

Yeah I watched Bird Box the other day too. I thought it was The Walking Dead condensed into 2 hours

I’m watching it later, is it scary :eyes:

I didn’t find it scary, however the girlfriend did but then we did have all the lights turn off and watch dit in the dark. I’d say it’s more creepy than scary.

I thought it was moderately scary but I’m a bit of a pussy when it comes to scary films.

I didn’t sleep properly for about a week after watching Paranormal Activity as my imagination went wild - I lived in fear that I would hear a demonic scream in the middle of the night, or that my door would slam shut / open randomly.

To give a more precise answer, if PA is a 10/10 in terms of scariness, I’d rate Birdbox as a 4 or 5 on Sol’s certified “shit-you-up” rating system. Hope that helps.


Yeah Paranormal Activity is right up there when it comes to “shit-your-pants” scary

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I won’t be watching that ever. My then boyfriend watched all those (I refused) and joked about setting up the whole video recording the bedroom at night thing just in case. At least I think that’s what it was about :speak_no_evil:


Bird Box had crazy potential and it builds you up to having a high expectation of something really good happening and it ends up just being a bit underwhelming.


Yeah, the first Paranormal Activity shit me up good and proper.

The effect kinda wore off when I saw the second one and I didn’t watch any of the others.

That bit where she gets out of bed and just stands and stares at her hubby makes me shudder even as I type it.

Watch the 3rd one. The one with “Toby”. After that, they get a bit “samey”