What are you watching?

Is the Fighter actually good? I’ve pondered watching that a few times on Netflix but haven’t yet done it.

They are all pretty average though. I love the book American Pyscho and thought Bale was ace in the role but it wasn’t a particularly good film.

One of my favourite Bond themes too. Love me a bit of Sir Tom

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Ahhh Dr Strangepass. You are to Christian Bale what @Ashgooner1 is to Bukayo Saka :wink:


People forgetting the best Christian Bale film. Equilibrium.


Mate what are you on. The Prestige and 3:10 to Yuma are incredible films haha


Fuck yes that was amazing. Seen it so many times!



Best Bale film is Newsies.

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The book was…wow. There are some things in the book you just can’t translate into film so that was always going to be dealt a bad hand, in my opinion.

I rate them both crap. haha.

Not easy to convey the humour. The film was a good attempt.

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I was thinking more about starving a rat and then doing what he did with the cheese :see_no_evil:

Knowing your often hyper critical take on films and television (not a dig, just a statement of fact as I see it lol) I’d say no, you probably won’t think its a good film.

I thought it was good, but not a whole lot much more than that, it doesn’t reinvent the wheel or do much to surprise you. But his performance in it was very good imo.


There’s a good Bale film where he’s a soldier. So good I can’t remember the name :roll_eyes:

He fakes a urine test in it.

I’m not normally one to have much of an opinion on an actor’s performance but Bale in The Fighter is one of the most memorable performances in any film for me. I like a lot of films he’s in but that one really stands out.


I liked it.

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Harsh times or hard times. It’s class.

Edit- yeh knew it was something like that.

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@Castiel fuck, I’d forgotten Equilibrium existed, that was a fun fucking film. Definitely gonna watch that a second time now you’ve reminded me of it.

Tis true haha.

Mind you, I’m happy to rave for a film that just does what it does really well, which is why I’m such a Keanu Reeves fan. I also got lots of time for anything Arnie. I even loved La La Land for this reason lol.

Watched Wandavison and Soul on Disney plus Big MCU and Pixar fan here.

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The Chase the Governess was chasing 12 with 2 people and only got 4 right - worst defeat for her ever :rofl::rofl::fire::fire:

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