What are you watching?

Ive been watching Homeland and OMFG this show winds me the fuck up. How can the main character be so annoying (Carrie). Every episode in every season she annoys me. Gonna have to give up on it.

the blonde woman? I had to stop watching because she just irks me.

I lasted to season 3 (I think) but yes she wound me up too much.

This should have been a one season show

He should have blown himself up and taken those Yankee imperialist pigdogs with him as he intended to all along

If they had gone in that direction I genuinely think it would have been remembered as one of the best and most memorable series ever.

I watched part way into series 2 but then got bored, probably because I was so disappointed by the mere fact that they carried on.

Mandy Patinkin is such a boss though

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Fucking love Banshee.
Absolutely sensational stuff, watched it through 3 times.


So many awesome fight scenes in that series.

That fight between Nola and Burton had me like :giroud2:


I love how fucking gory it is. Not for the faint hearted. Its properly OTT at times by thats the charm of the show. The fight scenes as well… great.

Watched all of Breaking Bad again from start to finish. Easy to think you remember a show but in reality you forget 99% of what actually happened. Amazing character development. Also been watching Dexter again too.


I’m doing the same myself right now and just coming up to the end of season 2. I remember the first time round I thought season 1 was fucking slow but watching it back this time I was so wrong. Within a couple of episodes you can actually sense the guy Walter is going to become. Enjoying it even more this time round.

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Fortunately the show only has 4 seasons, so it should be done rather quickly.


Took the words right out of my mouth.

Boy were the latter seasons a cluster fuck.


Couldn’t agree more about Dexter post season 4. Literally as soon as my girlfriend started season five I didn’t bother following it with her and she’s been asking why. I don’t even wanna break it to her. Season 1, 2 and 4 were the be all and end all for me.

The last episode off dexter really lets the rest off the series down. Would have been better if deb led a manhunt for dexter and bring him in for his crimes

@Persona get on season 10 of Doctor Who. Almost as good as peak Tenant!



Na, I think I’m out of that now tbh. I haven’t even been interested in reading up about it. The other day I realised I was still subbed on youtube to the DW channel, unsubbed immediately. :joy:

I don’t say such a thing lightly. :slight_smile:

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The new series of preacher is fucking amazing so far

Latest season of House of Cards. Loving it.


That could have been something out of Black Mirror, Christ

@A.F. finally started Twin Peaks season 3. Loving it!

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