Upcoming Video Games

Any horizon news?

Nothing there looks particularly exciting to me, I really want something unique, feels like this generation is lacking creativity, hell last couple of generations.

Nope probably wonā€™t be anything now till closer to February.

@Cristo best start saving for all these release.


Ooh Uncharted remastered


The people at Insomniac must be over the moon. Working on such massive IPs and slowly turning into the MVP of Sony.

So many things announced but when you actually deep that there are still plenty of things unannounced.
Naughty Dog is working TLOU2 multiplayer and allegedly on TLOU remake. Bluepointā€™s new project, Guerrillaā€™s new multiplayer project, Bend Studioā€™s new project, Team Asobiā€™s new project, Sucker Punchā€™s new project, Sony Santa Monica teasing working on other things aside God Of War. We have also heard rumours of Silent Hills reboot and Metal Gear Solid remakes.
Fucking hell. :exploding_head:

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Now this would excite me, I know people are crazy hyped for the Marvel stuff and even Iā€™m a little excited for Wolverine but you have to wonder how long they can keep milking the openworld superhero trope before people get fed up.

Even things like a Metal Gear reboot lack creativity, Iā€™m most excited for Final Fantasy XVI because they try something different every time and Iā€™m interested to see what they do with the new generations technology.

Dead Space remake is also on my list, but I didnā€™t buy a PS5 to play remasters and remakes of games Iā€™ve already played.

The Last of Us remake is a travesty, Iā€™ve played through the game multiple times and it still holds up beautifully, at least wait a while,

Starting to feel like the gaming industry is going the way of cinema where everyone is out of ideas and weā€™ll just throw Marvel heroā€™s at everyone because they lap it up. Weā€™re getting to a point where games like Metal Gear, Resident Evil, FF, wouldnā€™t be made today if they werenā€™t already an IP.

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Yes, and I love it.

I really have no issue with the direction of PlayStation. Their library always spoke to me and Iā€™m really happy with where theyā€™re going. :smiling_imp:

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Yeh I have no issue with that, Iā€™m simply getting old, Spider-Man doesnā€™t speak to me much right now because Iā€™ve played so many of them in my life that that the concept bores me. Same with GTA, I began playing it when it was a top down shooter.

My first console was a commodore so itā€™s natural Iā€™m a little burnt out these days with constant rehashes.

It will happen to everyone eventually and people will want experiences that are unique and ground-breaking. I simply have to pick and choose what offers me that, but I canā€™t deny itā€™s getting harder and harder to get excited about projects.


Did they announce another GTA5 remake?

I sure hope so.

Itā€™s moreso a PS5(exclusive I think?) upgrade.
They announced it last year but showed gameplay yesterday. This game was released 2 generations ago and itā€™s still going strong. :rofl:


Not only that mate GTA online coming to next gen in march 2022 rockstar games proper spoiling us.

If they were spoiling you they would finally do GTA 6. :grimacing::grin:


The replies on that tweet. :rofl:
Toxic nothing-better-to-do console war geeks.

I just donā€™t see us getting a GTA6 till 2024.

We probably get a ps5/xb1x RDR2 version before we see a new GTA


Any Sony fans that missed the chance to play Alan Wake, should really take the opportunity.


Really special game, probably my favourite of xbox360 generation. I think Iā€™ll be picking this up for nostalgiaā€™s sake.

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Yeah Alan Wake was a real gem, very original game and mechanics. Liked having to use the torch the whole time.

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Spend half my life thinking about how shit a job Arteta is doing, I donā€™t need a game to make me think about him even more, I like a bit of escapism from my games.




Youā€™ve absolutely done him there