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Playstation always has the best single player exclusives. Constantly producing great content.

With Playstation I always think they focus on the player and the machine experience. Whereas Xbox focus on the machine and community.

Looks fucking sick if you ask me!!

@Electrifying it can go on itā€™s side


Worst console design for both since the PS2/Xbox generation?

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It really looks modern and next generation in terms of style. I think no matter what they put out people were going to find fault but I think when itā€™s released people will change their tune.

I personally really like it from the offset even though I donā€™t usually care for white in my tech. The little lights along the trim is actually class looking.



Last one, both looked pretty sexy. And the PS2/Xbox/GC/Dreamcast one.

Exactly, the design will never please everybody. I think it looks pretty decent but it isnā€™t particularly jaw dropping.

For me, the Xbox Series X just looks like a basic PC tower, but then the simplicity of that design probably appeals to many people too.

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Honestly though, I, donā€™t think either look better aesthetically than what Iā€™ve currently got in my living room

Xbox One S has to be one of the best looking consoles ever imo

Iā€™ve realised this over the course of the last generation particularly, I feel like there are quite a few games Iā€™ve missed out on entirely, and truth be told, I canā€™t think of a single Xbox exclusive Iā€™ve been into to compensate for that.

As much as I donā€™t want to really, it feels like the only choice is to go for PlayStation 5 when this next generation comes out and becomes a touch more affordable.

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Microsoft tend to make better multiplayer exclusives such as Gears, Halo, Forza Motorsport and Forza Horizon. I canā€™t remember the last time I sat down and played an Xbox exclusive for the story. Maybe Quantum Break years ago and Alan Wake way before that. They just donā€™t do it anymore.

Alan Wake was a fantastic game, felt like a Stephen King novel in video game form.


Crackdown, PGR, Mass effect, fable were quality and why the X360 was their most popular console.

I miss games like that.

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Yeah the old Crackdown was brilliant. PGR was massive too, put untold hours into that. Mass Effect is multi-plat these days right?

For the last gen though theyā€™ve 100% put their focus on community rather than making a gripping single player game the same way Playstation do. Death Stranding being the latest to a large catalogue.

Saying this though, I buy all my multiplatform games on Xbox because the community is bigger, connections are better and most importantly multiplats seem to run better on Xbox. (And the X1X is better than the PS4Pro)

OK, well Iā€™d revise my last post, because Iā€™ve played a lot of Forza Horizon 4, despite not being a fan of racing games at all generally. So I guess thatā€™s one exclusive Iā€™ve been into.

But itā€™s hardly enough to make up for it haha

Excellent, I can pretend that the Colorado map doesnā€™t exist.

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I still want to fucking play the first one with the mechanics of 2, but seems because I own a physical copy of the first and a digital version of the second, I canā€™t.

Its fucking annoying cos when I play 2 and check progress of all missions, it lists all of them from the firdt game and it looks like Iā€™ve never touched them.

Iā€™m loathe to pay for the first game twice for this purpose.

I donā€™t know, thereā€™s been a it of discussion online about it.

Seems like a lot of people are angry because this is not cross-gen though. :man_shrugging:

Follow-up, Insomniacā€™s official account also cleared this up.

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Really? Their faq says that should be able to redeem the legacy pack.

You do need to have Hitman 1 installed since you need to access the in-game store to do it apparently.

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Really? Fuck, can you link me please?

I wonder if itā€™s a short game like uncharted the lost legacy so hopefully be abit cheaper then a spiderman sequel.

Either way I will buy it because the spiderman game was really good


Oh really? Please tell me more
