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Yeh they wanted to explore that more but ran out of money which is why the game felt so horribly incomplete.

Available tomorrow


Saw this and remembered the discussion here about PS5’s SSD and how it fairs against top of the line tech today.
Seems like the discussion completely blew up since then. Looks like Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney spent quite some time answering to fanboys and trolls explaining his comments and even Linus had to make a video to apologize.

Did you get it @Bl1nk.

Is it any good if u did or have EA messed it up

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I really like it. They have done a great job IMO.

Their decision to allow easy modding is smart, as the game has huge following and already a lot of maps and mods are created by users.

You shouldn’t expect a ton of new stuff though, it’s still only a remaster, but it includes Tiberium dawn, RA1 and all expansion packs. So you do get a lot of content, just not new. But it is in glorious 4K!

Nearly clocked the GDI campaign on Tiberium Dawn :slight_smile:


Cheers mate I been abit reluctant to drop money on a ea remaster but it sounds like they have done it justice.
Will have to pick it up shortly

It’s been 8 years Rockstar you boring bastards ffs.

GTAV new maps or whatever the fuck, for PS5.

It came out 2 generations ago!!!

Spiderman, now that’s better.

Rockstar should have done a enhanced Red dead 2 for ps5 rather then GTA V which has been played to death.

Tho the ps5 first look has been excellent for games so far
Looking forward to playing
Spiderman: Miles moreles
Ratchet and clank rift apart
New abe game
Project athia
Kena Bridge of spirts
Demon souls remake

Fucking hell that looks like a stormtrooper’s game console.

Certainly a ‘striking’ look.

Every playstation I’ve had on its side, I dunno how I’m.gonna manage that with this one lol


It’s a very interesting design
2 choices aswell disk version or digital version

Would look nicer with all black or black on PS1 grey.

Playstations have been primarily black since the PS2, don’t like the whiteness

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That is fuck ugly.


I think it looks class. Though I saw it in video and the different angles help you to appreciate the design.



Resident Evil Village looks immense. Some really great games to look forward to. Pity anyone thinking about going Xbox this generation.


You can set it up horizontally (there’s pictures online I’m too lazy to post here :sweat_smile:). Seems like the base is mandatory now though.

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A lot of talk about Spider-Man not being a full game. What do you think?
Personally, I think it’s gonna be a full game but it won’t be a massive jump from the OG. They’ll leave that for the actual sequel. It’s known that Spider-Man 2018 was used as a prime example to show how PS4 games could be enhanced on PS5. Insomniac reused a lot of the assets, added a few things here and there that didn’t make it to the original and that was it. Fine by me. Buying it for sure.

They probably want to keep an airflow around the console, plus to avoid possible issues like the random disk spewing of the OG PS4.


So it’s a enhanced/remaster with a miles morales expansion added on to it