Unai Emery

General treatment from the fans towards him was pretty shitty post Baku.

Club side I never felt he was given the ability to build the side he wanted, dunking on the guy your former employer replaced you with must feel great.


Emery dumps on Arteta again.

Part of me does wonder where we’d be with him still at the helm.

Would he have kept Aubu & Co, or got rid of that batch?

Hi I never rated him even pre-baku.

The day he was hired was a terrible day


Hate this bum. Could cost us the title this fucker. Always sets his team up like its a CL final against us, just because we sacked his disgusting ass back in 2019


Personally, as someone who loves pressers, I suffered a lot.

The bum left Arsenal, knocked us out of Europe abd then won the tournament with Villareal. He then goes on an incredible run with Villa to take them from a relegation fught into Europe. He’s about to land Villa a top 4 finish a Champions League football. 6 points against Arsenal.

Yep, bum.

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He obsessively over prepares and over tactics for that one or two games a season where it actually ends up working.

Unfortunately for us it was the games against us.

The rest it’s a mess with 20 shots against and 4-5 goal drubbing

Daiichi Kamada remains a hero and a legend.

So every time we have a bad game it is our manager getting schooled by the other???

Would you say he schooled Pep after shutting them out?

Move on.
Villa isn’t even the first job he got after leaving Arsenal.
No need to put toouch reasons and emotions on this.
Just move on.

yea lets go back to conceding 30 shots against a 10 man Watford :arteta: good times good times.


After 20 years of Wenger any manager would be the fall guy, he inherited a prima Donna squad

If he had a squad that actually listened and not bums like a diva Ozil and Aubameyang causing trouble, he would have had better results.

Hence why Villa are 4th with a squad that shouldn’t be so high and beat our Arse asses twice this season :man_shrugging:t4:

It is what it is, he is a decent coach. Arsenal could only dream of having won Europa 4 times.

Let’s start by winning it at all even once 🪿

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I’d rather win the CL or PL

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It’s true. We could have had Zaha, Perisic, Banega and Carrasco playing some absolutely dire shit at the Emirates, but maybe we’d have won a EL.

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Emery is a great manager for a club like villa.

But he’s never challenging Pep’s city over 38 games.


Villa, Valencia, Villareal, Sevilla they’re all kind of the same type of club.

The odd ones were PSG and Arsenal.


That’s fair enough, but as it stands neither is Arteta, who lost twice to… Emery.

He’s challenging him, just not beating him.

We’ve led the league in the last 2 seasons in mid April, by definition that’s gotta be considered challenging.


Semantics and definitions

Up to a certain amount of games every team is challenging I guess :slight_smile:

We can lead the league all we want, but when it matters and push comes to shove we falter so we are not challenging we are simply participating

We’re not challenging Pep over 38 games either as it stands.

City is unlikely to drop more points than us from here onwards, so we are spectators at this point

Aston Villa in 4th with that mid table squad, it’s no small feat

We are Arsenal we are supposed to be better than Aston Villa, don’t you think Ozzle


As it stands, we’re going to go into the 38th game of the PL season with a mathematical chance of winning it.

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Is that you Wenger? :white:

We can always win the hypothetical and mathematical trophy :slight_smile: