Unai Emery

I don’t think they expected to be outplayed so badly, despite the fatigue from the games midweek.

Mind you, I would be the same if I beat 2 of the best sides in football today back to back like they did.

I do think both us and City will spank them on the reverse fixture. City and us are spiteful like that. See what we did to Lens.

It feels like Villa are hitting their peak and I know it’s cliché, but you don’t hit your peak in December as a title contender.

You go across their team and you’ll see almost everyone is performing at their very best and after this match we’re now seeing some fatigue signs as well.

I love Watkins but he’s performing at an insane level at the moment, especially with how clinical he has been, and that is not something you usually call Watkins.

It’s similar to Newcastle and Man Utd last season. Peaked prematurely and then broke down later on in the season, lucky for them there was too much of a gap with the rest to slip out.

If we’ve learned anything from Liverpool and City over the last few years is that March-May is when you really start going.
Even when Liverpool have had a bad season, their strong final months nicked them a Top 4 spot once and barely got them there again last season.

That’s in the City and Liverpool DNA now. It’s something we will need to show come that period. That’s where we failed last time around.


I don’t mind to see a controlled freak to get us a controlled peak


I prefer Tony Adams as a statue


Aston Villa are 4th for a reason. Won once against city and twice against us this season.

We should have shown the same eagerness and panache this game as we have shown the last months.

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A bit of belief goes a long way, right? @Bavin :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Villa are in 4th and a long way off the top. Excellently illustrated point.

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We are not losing to Palace.

Villa is a top 4 team.

Bad lost but we picked the wrong timing to underperform against a top 4 team.

Still sucks

Couldn’t care less about what anyone else says.

My main anger about arteta and arsenal is that they lost to emery of all people

I don’t know losing the title lead seems a tad bit more important :arteta:

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It always amuses me

Emery is a good coach

Won the Europa league 4 times with scrub teams meanwhile Arsenal won the Europa league 0 times :man_shrugging:t4:

Arteta fucked it up, Emery had his team ready


dude is a good match coach, especially good at HT adjustments, I remember that from when he was here, second half looked nothing like the first and we had no answer.

A bit rude that he decided to fuck over our title chances tbh :santi:


Can’t believe Villa got 6 points from us this season. That needs to improve next year.


That is one thing I will give him.

If I can see, we have lost the league to pep, not emery.

I wish emery was managing city.

I wouldn’t be too mad losing to them and we would win the league

Karma is real. Emery is enjoying his just deserts

Outcoached his replacement multiple now with lesser squads and killed real chances at trophies for Arsenal


You think we wronged him?


I presume he means Emery never got a fair shake at the club compared to Arteta.

Don’t know about that. But Emery did have the terrible leadership of Sven/Raul/Gazidis. Don’t think any coach survives it.