U.S. Politics

It’s nice to see a hopeful message for people that are losing they jobs, be twisted because orange man bad!

So this is the new talking point from Fox news and other trump enablers. How incredibly irresponsible to even hint that this crisis is near its end. @mhappy you yourself hint this is a con (confidence) move. How about actually enacting the national emergency act and expanding unemployment benefits? How about forcing medical product companies to produce needed equipment instead of price gouging? No, instead he tells people things will be OK in two weeks.

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Bernie is suspending his campaign, we are really gonna be stuck with Biden and Trump :joy::joy:


It’s alright, I have faith in Uncle Joe. :eyes:Coronavirus and a hard hitting dose of economic reality will hopefully :crossed_fingers: do for Trump this time

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“We can’t do worse than Hilary, surely”. And the DNC replies, “Hold my beer”.


i have a fairly balanced/objective view on trump but his conduct during this crisis has really been terrible from an outsider’s POV.

Disturbing to see the POTUS tweeting like a child about political rivals at a time like this.

What would have been surprising is if he wasn’t behaving this way. His conduct is always terrible, it’s always been kind of disturbing to see how he tweets, he’s just remaining consistent lol.


His approval rating has also been fairly consistent. Although I think that says far more about the ineptitude of the DNC than it does about Trump.

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It’s somehow risen to 49%, which is at all time high

Last I saw it was 44%, but it doesn’t surprise me in the least that it’s risen.

The fear mongers were saying 100m Americans would die due to COVID-19, which always seemed like an insane number to me. Now the estimates have dropped to 60,000 which is still a hell of a lot however Trump will most likely make a meal of it and call it fake news when they say he fluffed his lines. And his base will eat it up, plus the Bernie lovers will definitely revolt against the DNC. He’s getting re-elected.

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Trump will absolutely destroy Biden. He’s a George W Bush but without the charm, charisma and “I’d have a drink with him” vibe.

Won’t even be a contest, so many democrats don’t like Biden. It’ll be Clinton all over again.

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It’ll be worse. The presidential debates are going to be brutal.

So far Biden is being protected by the media and the DNC, but they wont be there to protect him when Trump is mocking him for being demented.


Spot on imo.


Can understand the concerns on Biden but I think people are making Trump into some kind of titan here and massively underestimating Biden.

Didn’t his 2016 win boil down to about 77,000 votes across 3 battleground states (Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan)? Less than 0.7% of the vote in each state in 2016 compared to Obama who won all three by 5%+ 2012.

There’s no way he’s maintains that level of support in all those states going into this GE. Biden, based current polling data and the Primary, will almost certainly win Michigan.

Biden’s capacity to win “new” voters compared to 2016 in key states is more stronger than Trump’s ability to retain support imo. Rightly or wrongly he’s living off the fumes of Obama’s legacy who hasn’t even endorsed him yet, you’re crazy if you don’t think Obama won’t be campaigning heavily. If Biden nails the VP pick I think he wins easily.


Hope you’re right.

I mean, either way we get a mentally deficient rapist, but I know which mentally deficient rapist I’m backing here.


I think the drumf will rely more on Bernie voters not turning up for joe as well as the usual voter suppression tactics.

Drumf has already begun talking about the DNC screwing Bernie again.

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