U.S. Politics

Exactly. The demented old man has explicitly stated that if a medicare for all bill were handed to him by Congress he would veto it.

Biden for most of his career goes with what seems to be popular.

2:26 Donald Trump presser had me in absolute stitches

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Sorry, I missed the part of this post that addressed the three people who told you that you were wrong with the “Biden supports medicare for all” shtick.

Or are you just going to ignore them all instead of having the courage to admit you were full of it?

The part where he said “people who have never died before, are dying”? :joy::joy:


“People of America, it is now really time to act. Celebrities, sports stars, politicians, millionaires and Billionnaires are now at risk of getting sick and some of us have actually caught it. This can not stand. Rich people might start dying! That is NOT ok. Rich people should never be affected by the same issues as poor people, so with immediate effect the country is going into lockdown, I’m diverting the pentagons budget into the healthcare and diagnostics industry and giving everyone $1,000 in act of socialism to keep the billionaires companies afloat.”


I make too much money to get anything according to the Senates plan so far fucking hell lol, as if California is a cheap place to live. $1200, which is what they propose, wouldn’t go very far here anyways I guess. I’m not too stressed tho cuz I’m still working, and business is booming :flushed::flushed:


When the he was on stage in the firsts round of debates he put his hands up for Medicare for all. I guess they all missed that…

Medicare has it’s own challenges. I wouldn’t wish that on the entire population, so I actually agree with Uncle Joe on that.

I wonder what future generations are going to say about someone like Trump. Watching his press conferences are entertaining, and scary. He literally can’t go a few sentences without either having a dig at someone or patting himself on the back :slight_smile:

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Judging by the downward spiral of humanity in general… they’ll probably say something along the lines of “eh heh heh, Dude, He talks like a fag.”

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He’s determined to rename this the “Chinese virus”, but even his own administration aren’t saying it :slight_smile:

That’s another one that was hilarious.

But this one was “ No that’s not racist at all, no not at all, I know where it came from Chi-naaaaa.


I’m sure the CEO of corona also agrees it has more merit being renamed the Chinese Virus.

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I don’t know. I haven’t seen so many photos of their beer.

Seems like great marketing :slight_smile: Companies pay millions to get their product in the mind of people, and now they’re getting it free.

Trump’s going to use the Coronavirus to get re-elected now, I’m convinced of it.

He shouldn’t be allowed to - he’s made a complete U-turn on the severity of the virus in less than a fortnight - but too many of the American public are gullible and/or ignorant.

He’s calling himself a wartime President, ramping up the nationalist fervor, calling it a ‘Chinese virus’ etc. It could work out so perfectly for him

There’s no way he wasn’t getting re-elected up against Senile Joe anyway


I second that trump was going to win no matter what even without the Chinese virus spreading around the world


Come now, it’s already got a perfectly good name, one I’m sure you’ve been using until recently.

I wasn’t aware a cell could have a nationality.