U.S. Politics


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dude just shoot everyone who shoots kids after they shot the kids whats the problem thoooo


Ridiculous idea. It’s more reasonable that the good guys with guns can shoot at the bad guys with guns and in the ensuing bullet storm the good bullets will nullify the bad bullets.



Don’t get me wrong. I like neither party and if I had a US vote I’d be going third party rather than endorse either…

But is this guy for fucking real? At the very least the Republicans are at least as bad for this shit as the democrats.

Hellboy has him sussed.


For an ultra billionaire, it’s a pretty basic and simplistic take from Elon

Maybe he’s trolling to get a response from left leaning media who will be hysterical about his tweet

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He’s that kid in school that gets bullied but you have no sympathy for him because he’s a little shithead you’d love to give an atomic wedgy if you weren’t morally apposed to bullying.


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Is he for real? No. He’s just proof that having a lot of money doesn’t make you smart.

For the first time in history, electric vehicles are viable and his efforts catapulted all legacy automakers into catching up with EVs. He made Space X a commercial success. Let’s not mention his other companies and projects.

But he is not smart because he trolls.


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I know big brain hot takes politics broke these peoples mind. Dude is the richest man in the planet for a reason I can put my life on that it’s not for being dumb or stupid. Not forgetting the demócratas (Pocahontas) were attacking him for paying taxes when he payed the most in history

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Don’t know the fuck is going on in America but people are completely lost over there. Stuff I come across people do and say, literally doesn’t make any fucking sense anymore :slight_smile:


Sigh. The thing about this bashing of Americans on this thread is it is so easy to reverse it and say what the view of Britain and Brits is from America, but then things get ugly really quick. I don’t know why (some) people in Britain think they can assume some pedestal to talk down about Americans though. The pedestal is completely imaginary. Take it from someone who is a dual citizen but has no joy in thinking about traveling to Britain (or Europe) anymore, even when absolutely necessary for various things.

Good thing then I am not a Brit nor live in Britain. :slight_smile:

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OK, European then?

As a Brit, I’d actually be up for this, not gonna lie


Yeah, but I don’t enjoy it, so it won’t be with me participating in an all out ‘battle’… Don’t know how to explain this but unlike pretty much everything else I do feel myself getting headaches on forums like this with quite a low threshold, don’t know why exactly.

I don’t want a battle, I won’t fire back with shots at the US, I actually did want to hear your frank view of Britain and Brits lol.

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I did enjoy watching Downton Abbey: A New Era last night though. lol.

Actually I find it hard to attack socialism in Europe nowadays because one thing I’ve figured out is it is by design, as Europe as a vassal of the U.S., without many in Europe knowing that to be the case. Much of media in Europe is actually driven by the CIA, on its vassal states, some German journalists are starting to fess up to what has been known. This is also why you have the empire of American multinational companies while Europe has little answer to American Big Tech, etc. What I’m saying in a nutshell is much of your anti-Americanism in Europe is not actually from free thinking, but is programming, indirectly via. the CIA, because Europe has to be kept as a weak-ish vassal and not become a real competitor to the U.S. by copying traditional American values. Get your head around that one… lol.

Your music is phenomenal and I’m truly jealous of the mass transit systems, socialized healthcare and easy access to continental Europe (although you managed to fuck that up with Brexit).

I met some really friendly and wonderful people there and if I wasn’t useless to society (do we really need more attorneys?) I’d try to move there with the fam. Mere is an anglophile, the kids would have little accents, it’d be a coup for her.

That said your bagels are so bad they qualify as anti-Semitic hate speech and I won’t even mention how ridiculous it is that fruit seems to end up in desserts where it doesn’t belong.

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Ron Perlman once again defending the corrupt DNC.