U.S. Politics

She’s an idiot but I kinda get her overall point. Monsanto created round-up which has given who knows how many ppl cancer and has made honey bee’s an endangered species but it’s all swept under the rug for the almighty dollar, nothing to see here. The earth is going to hell in a hand basket.

That’s not remotely her point though. She gives zero shits about any wrongs Monsanto are doing.


Well I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt that’s what she meant lol, it’s possible.

It’s not a good point at all. If you are going to make a comparison, then use something that is also contagious and has similar or more fatalities.

Because if cancer were to become transmissible, then you can bet your ass we’d have a similar reaction.

She’s not saying any of that though. That’s just the interpretation of someone who isn’t a psychopath.

I’d say she’s the dumbest member of Congress but Lauren Boebert still exists.

She’s just vile.

“The Squad” seem pretty retarded, tbh.


Sound like something someone with a space laser would say…

The family photo Christmas card thing has never been a big thing in the UK, it seems strange occurrence where people brag about their family.

I guess social media has killed the concept

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Shhhh we don’t talk about that. It’s supposed to be a secret.


I’ll admit it’s a weird one. Like a way of signaling to others that you are upholding cultural norms and values. Keeping up with the Joneses as we like to say.

More like keeping up with The Wackjobs.

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Retarded isn’t a very nice word to use as an insult.

I’d be curious to see a tweet from any member of the squad this as astonishingly stupid as that Marjorie Taylor Greene one. It’s not even a “left wing good, right wing bad” moment from me, I just find it hard to believe that there are many people on either the right or the left who are as astonishingly stupid as MTG.

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Are there any nice words to use as an insult? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I admit the tweet was dumb af. I just don’t like the squad. Or the T-Swift one. :bergkamp:

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It’s insane how many people have completely lost thier mind because of Trump.


Happened in my extended family. It’s really sad. Absolutely melted their brains. Doubt I’ll ever speak to some of those relatives again.


Do they still blame Russia, and give the DNC a free pass?


It’s more of COVID is a Chinese bioweapon that Nancy Pelosi unleashed on the world to destabilize an otherwise incredibly successful Trump administration. Real wackadoo stuff.