
These kids were in cages in the Obama administration too?

Yeah he started it

How come this is the first im hearing of it then?

You tell me it’s common knowledge at this point but not spoken about like the fact the he deported more immigrants then any other president. The pictures that were circulating last year about was proven to be taken from Obama years. It was policy to take kids away until they could prove that the parents were the actual kids parents. Believe it or not it was an Obama policy

You and @KITN speak ironically, it’s so fascinating listen spout talking points when accusing others.

And btw Biden ended supporting Medicare for all including illegal immigrants so WRONG!!, he stood firm on nothing but sniffing women and girls hair.

The US doesn’t have medicare for all you dumb shit

What I don’t understand is that in America, with a population of over 300m, they can’t find anyone better than Biden to beat Trump, the worst president in their history, who is an habitual liar with psychopathic tendencies.

It’s the same in this country.
Corbyn is never going to appeal to an electorate that vote for right wing, proven liar like Johnson, just as Biden isn’t going to sway many people to vote for him.
It’s as if they’re choosing the most inept, old, unelectable candidates on purpose, not to win.


Are you just pretending to be stupid, I clearly said policy position!!! I never said America has Medicare for all idiot.

There are absolutely better candidates than Biden. But the DNC would never endorse them.


Oh so you were just lying again? Biden has said he would veto medicare for all time and again, so you’re clearly a lying thick as pig shit troll

Capitalisms race to the bottom affects even the quality of politicians. That’s why all over the globe you see despots, clown fascists and warlords cropping up (Putin, Mohamed Bin Salman, Trump, Bolsonaro, Johnson (clown), etc.)


Biden, like most at the top of the DNC, are Diet Republicans. The US political landscape has slid so far to the right, that there effectively isn’t a political left any more.

They’ll red-bait anyone on the left who seeks office.



During the selection debates he raised his hands for Medicare for all and supported it for illegals, then he went back on it you damned fool.

He was lying though. He was only ever willing to expand Obamacare by adding a government-run public option. That’s nowhere near medicare for all.

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Here you go knowingly misinforming again. If I didn’t know that you’re arguments are always in bad faith I wouldn’t have run a simple search to verify that statement is bullshit.

Did Biden Say Taxpayers Must Fund Health Care for ‘Illegal Immigrants’?

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Did you read what you just posted oh my god :man_facepalming:t5: What’s false: he didn’t say the tax later should pay it directly…

The subsidise come from tax payers :rofl:

Maybe you should read your own incorrect paraphrase. Hint: The specific policy of “Medicare for all” is not the same thing as the general term “Healthcare”.

You’re doing what he did and playing word games to mislead. Biden never said Medicare for illegal immigrants–he said healthcare for everyone which already exists. The half truth is that everyone has access to healthcare already even biG bAD SCaRy ILLEGALS! :bellerin:

Your straw-man game is hella weak.

The bigger question is, why wouldn’t you want to treat people? That’s borderline sociopathic.

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Don’t play stupid we aren’t playing semantics
Medicare for including illegal, healthcare for including illegals tell me what’s difference in your eyes.

Illegals cost money and have broken laws…