
No way Bernie gets elected. He has the communist branding over him.
Only zombies scare Americans more than communists


I’m sure it looks hilarious from the outside but I can assure you that it’s a nightmare for a lot of people living here. He’s just as dangerous as George W Bush, maybe even more so considering how belligerently unintelligent he is.

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I think that’s probably right although in Europe he’d be a moderate centre left social democrat if I understand his policies correctly. Maybe Bloomberg will be the Trump antidote

i think if anyone can beat trump, it’s bernie.

Americans care about healthcare more than anything. Also Bernie has massive support from Latinos, who make up a significant amount of the population, and you’d think he’d do better than Hillary in the rust belt.

but who knows

I worry enough ppl won’t watch their country become a commie nest and Bernie winning will lead to a small scale civil war lol

I also think they care more about their conceptual freedom than they do health care if it necessarily must come with big gov. they’d need to build gvt trust, that’d take time and is hard in a 2 party system where the blame game is stronk.


What’s up with this, are the ppl of India big Trump supporters or something??

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That’s a bigger crowd than he got at his inauguration.:slight_smile:

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Yo do know the population of India, don’t you?
It’s usually filled with school students.
Also it’s not hard to pay some cash to get the audience, which is most likely the case.

Get out there and boooo for us Trion

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No, I like Trump

Nah, they’re generally just cunts

btw, fair play to Trump for manning up and having the balls to take that deal with the Taliban and end the stupid, pointless, endless war in Afghanistan.

it is a shit deal, but that was the only deal they were gonna get. Bush could have done that, Obama could have done it but they didn’t. So there you go.

Wasn’t there a US air strike on the Taliban earlier!?

Yeah there was. There’s barely any real substance to Trump’ s foreign policy.

Was there? Lol, then I don’t even know what to think.


Lmao wow that could totally be a Joker soliloquy :joy::joy:

Great ad tbf

What is wrong with this dude?


He is putting needless pressure on his governors and provoking protests.


That’s the thing, they’re not HIS governors–he’s purposely going after swing states with democratic governors.

The more chaos the better for the monstrosity.


Yeah I know.
This is however not the time to be thinking about political gains.
I hope Karma bites him bad.

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