
Hillary wasn’t elected, though…




They are treated then left with the bill and some kind of ‘payment plan’ for them to pay it off if I have it correctly.

@BergkampsLoveChild it means US healthcare and insurance companies could in theory bid for NHS contract to offer cancer scans, heart scans, MRI scans etc.

As is happening rn with Virgin.

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He needs a war to ramp up his fanbase. The cunt will do anything to hold on to his job.

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Was gonna say, no coincidence this is happening in the run up to 2020. Classic tactics for a sitting leader.


Yup, yup. Fuckin’ nailed it, Jakey.

yeah makes me think of Ronnie and Mags by nofx where they keep singing about all the shit Reagan and Thatcher did together interspersed with “gonna start a war before 84” (to get re-elected) :rofl:

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It’s just a shame that the Democrats have zero balls and aren’t impeaching him.

Useless cunts don’t need to even be successful, just paint him as an untrustworthy treasonous type of character.

It’ll help them in the general like Hillary’s emails helped him.

Worked for Thatcher, sitting in a tank, like she was Rommel.
She got a landslide in the next election.


I mean, it’s pretty likely he was gonna win 2020 anyway, no?

Yeah, but a war is a small price to pay to increase the probability.

@InvincibleDB10 as a Brit it probably makes sense that that was the primary example I had in mind.


Untrustworthy and treasonous is the way everyone outside of his sheeple see him. Didn’t Pelosi say a while ago that pushing for impeachment now would only fire up his fanbase even more, thus further weakening the Dems?


Trump isn’t going to war.

He’ll increase troop presence and ramp up economic sanctions. His base is largely anti war as it contradicts his America first platform.

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Oh fuck that as soon as trump says war his supporters will have their “I Support Our Troops” stickers out and the yellow ribbon around the trees. A war against brown people is never unpopular amongst the Neanderthals that make up the Republican Party.


We love to bomb brown people. It’s the American Way.

Also: Is it bad that I give zero fucks what this guy does? It’s not like me getting worked up is going to change anything. Yeah, my president is a moron. The Repubs like morons as puppets. Reagan was an idiot, Bush Sr was an idiot, Bush 2 Electric Boogaloo was an idiot… it makes sense that they’d double down on the Grand Puba of Stupidity for a follow up.

Maybe but his fanbase are then never Dem voters.

Impeachment would also fire up never Trumpers, and is the right thing to do tbh.

Remember this?

President Trump approved military strikes against Iran in retaliation for downing an American surveillance drone, but pulled back from launching them on Thursday night after a day of escalating tensions.

Thanks Donald, for not starting WW3.