The randomly nothing thread

Only one horse in the race tbh.

This feels like the most Mondayish Tuesday ever :joy:


Has anyone owned an Arsene Wenger coat before?

I bought one with an ASOS gift card I got for Christmas and I have to say I love it. :joy:

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Yeah I purchased one when I was last over in z England about a decade ago, was good value whilst over in a European winter but not needed much when I returned to Aus.

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Are the Wenger coats even practical? They never looked warm!

Have never and will never own one!

Apple Music gave me a 3 month free offer so thought I’d try it for three months and cancel my Spotify subscription. Only been a few days and I think I prefer Apple Music already :joy:

Can I ask why?

Had been getting Spotify Premium as part of my phone deal for the past five years but changed network last summer.

Have been on basic Spotify which is fine for podcasts but will need to bite the bullet and subscribe to a streaming platform soon.

Been using Spotify premium since 2016 so probably the new toy element plus it has atmos and spatial


Atmos and spatial has gone way over my nearly - forty year old head!

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A few weeks ago queues outside Aldi for this drink. I’m guessing most just want to resale it on eBay

They’re definitely getting robbed in the next 3+24 hours.

Street price - tenner.


what is going on?

John Lydon representing Ireland in the Eurovision song contest with a love song.
The world has turned upside down :grinning:

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That dude is funny as hell lol

Typical 2nd gen south Asian Bolton shopkeeper


I’m fucking livid with myself for not becoming a YouTuber back when I was at uni.

KSI, the Paul Brothers, PewDiePie are all my age and all got big on YouTube playing video games and fucking around in front of camera while I was playing video games all day and late to lectures.

What the fuck was I thinking trying to get a degree so I could get a job when I could have become one of the richest most influential cunts around filming myself play FIFA all day fml


I picture you in Made in Chelsea :joy:


Yea you could have been a Jetsetter, travelling all over the world if not for those choices :smiley: