The randomly nothing thread

Robinsons Real Fruit, Apple and Blackcurrant, so obvious

I’m in Stockport atm. Don’t ask why but fuck me the North of England is well and truly a hell hole.

I was in Warrington earlier which wasn’t too bad but this is total hell.


looks a sorta place that you could be going 50 mph in your car down that road and still somehow get carjacked.

Kids riding around on scooters with balaclavas on and other kids on bikes just riding down the town centre doing wheelies lol.

God have mercy on those who live in the North.


Where is everyone? Looks like a ghost town

It’s horrendous around here. It’s genuinely a disgrace how successive governments have allowed so many northern towns to erode into a state of disrepair and just be completely bereft of life.

I genuinely wish we had a North of England that was more prosperous because this is just sad


Town centre car park lol


Grim as fuck

We deindustrialised. We make and produce nothing. Unless your London or a big city or a tourist attraction, there’s no point living there nor much prospect of being successful. We solve the lack of productivity problem by importing cheap goods and relying on cheap imported labour.


People hate the term but I always construed “leveling up” as bringing tangible positive growth and change to places like this

It isn’t impossible at all, we just need the right local and national leadership in place in the private and public sector


Truss admitted she doesn’t think public sector workers should get more money and it’s the rich that deserve to pay lower taxes so they’ll spend more, helping the trickle down effect.

So it’s ironic that the Tories had the first levelling up minister, a party who couldn’t care less about helping the poorest areas of the country

Just be honest and do what you really mean and have a “looking after rich” minister.

I think that was exactly the idea but it was always quite half hearted and never meant with any real political zeal


Yeah for any meaningful change some sort of autonomy or representation as a body is needed.

Did they overspend on sugar?

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that’s a huge sting for the fans

The YouTube app is gold for this. In a recent trip the TV’s search history was ‘Bob Dylan’ and ‘muslamic ray guns’. I love Airbnb

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Nah I’m absolutely not having this.

This is possibly the worst thing you’ve ever said on this forum.

No way is diluting juice a term for squash.


Diluting juice is a Scottish thing. If I didn’t know somebody from years ago that already exposed me to this craziness, I would be equally flabbergasted at Calum’s post.

Tbh, I don’t know why the fuck it’s called squash either. Diluting juice does what it says on the tin, at least.

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