The randomly nothing thread

The film Tumbledown is worth the watch. Didn’t make good viewing for left or right just the brutality of war.

From the womb was it? Or the glint of your father’s eye :joy:

Thought there was now a rule about mentioning family? :thinking:

You’re imagining things again.

bringing up another OA user’s relative

Terminology used in the Banned Members thread. That’s 2 shots directed towards my family today.

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Not my fault if you can’t read properly

What’s your issue with reading that? You just brought up an OA member’s family

What you posted isn’t the rule…like I say not my problem if you can’t read and comprehend properly.

Edit: Done discussing this. Smell ya later.

Edit 2: I’m really done discussing it. And I’m done deleting your posts too. One more and you can take a few hours off.

Dude thinks he’s Stalin :roll_eyes:

Might wanna give yourself a few hours off for mentioning my family.

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Glad I put him on ignore. Probably one of the worst and least likeable posters in OA history lol. And that’s saying something because we’ve had some real shitters here over the years.

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Videos like this might be one of the best things about Youtube.

Absolutely nuts :ginger:


Seen on someone’s insta last night saying how nice walkers tai sweet chilli nuts are. Had to pop into Morrisons on the way home from work to get a packet to try them for myself :joy:

Tesco version are better

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Need a clubcard though.

Yeah, since the new pricing system came into place in Tesco, to shop there you either need a club card or you’ll need to remortgage your house.

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I think I’ve had a Tesco clubcard for 15 years now.

Does anyone have cards anymore?

I just use the apps on my phone :joy:


I have one app to hold all my cards.

When I see all the apps, I am upset.

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Well yea I have the app but I see no reason to remove the card from my wallet.

Tesco is like Waitrose-lite with their pricing.

We normally do an Aldi/Tesco split but it’s gotten so expensive to get the last bits of shopping from Tesco, it doesn’t seem worth it. Their fuel is still higher than anywhere nearby me locally too.

Trying to find a new double-pivot: Aldi/?