The randomly nothing thread

Questionable. Anyways kind of a weird discussion when someone has just had a child.

Congratulations @Joshua

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Yeah, but when you name a child you have to think of that child growing up. Charlotte is fine. It’s timeless. Charlotte, Charlie, Lottie
 she has names to get her through all walks of life.

But some people name their children such stupid names. I know they don’t like to think of their child being a teenager or an adult and dating etc. but they will get to that stage. So don’t give them shit names.

My mum is a primary school teacher and she has had kids recently called Fiesta, Jelly and Vala. All girls.

Like as a guy, if you’re 18 or whatever, would you be happy to say “this is my girlfriend, her name is Jelly”?

Kid that used to sit behind me in secondary school was called James Bond, talk about winning the name lottery.

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Honestly, these are better names than adding another generic/basic/common name like Hannah, Emma or Lauren to the population

No offence to the many Emmas out there

Vala, I can dig it. Jelly though, yeah I’ll sweep that name into the dustbin.

I don’t know. I wouldn’t like to be called any of those. Even for me, Jade isn’t that popular. When I say my name, most people say “Jane?” No, JADE!

I just think parents should think of the little person they are naming. That will be their name for life.

So where does ‘Phoebica’ come from?

IIRC @Phoebica is a big fan of the sitcom Friends and the Phoebe character

Correct me if wrong

You’re almost right.

@giner Phoebica is a combination of Phoebe and Monica from Friends.


That’s not an encouraging incentive for a father


Conor McGregor :handshake: Blackburngeorge


ffs :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Fuck sake.


:joy::rofl: haha that guy got mashed up, deserves it for trying to sucker kick someone in the head.



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Seriously? He doesn’t know who played Rambo?

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Impressive to find the only cunt on earth who didn’t know the answer to that


In a shop yesterday and overheard two old ladies chatting about rising gas prices and getting all nostalgic about and romanticising the times when they had to wear four layers in their youth to keep warm. This is where we’re at



The British take pride in suffering, which is why the Tories always do so well