The randomly nothing thread

It’s actually hell as you get older where life just decides to add an extra day to a hangover every 4 to 5 years.

Honestly if I have proper session it can be 2 or 3 days before I’m completely right again. It does sometimes lure me into the hair of the dog to try and combat it but that’s dangerously close to professional alcoholic territory when I’m more comfortable with intermediate alcoholism.

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I’ve always been highly susceptible to feeling appalling the day after a big sesh and that’s not something that’s gonna improve with age. Grim times ahead.

Yeh I’m the same, anyone who isn’t barely tied one on the night before in my book.


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Fuck off you cunts lol




That is cool. But also a bit shit.

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I miss the legend


I don’t. He was a dick. A disrespectful, condescending, douchebag. I don’t know when being a complete ass to people and insulting them became a sign of intelligence or clever, but it’s not. He was just a bully.

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Hardly what defined him and who would ever make such comparison? He told hard boiled truth without sugarcoating it. That usually hurts.


Yeah it’s a much needed voice on many things. A lot gets put down as outspoken or radical but that comes from no discourse or open dialogue on a lot of these things.


When was the last time a guy went out there, laid down truths after truths without sugarcoating them and came back without a reputation of ‘being a dick’?

Lay more focus on the content that came out of his disrespectful, condescending, douchebag mouth rather than his approach.

We need more people like him who are so good at their job that they no longer have any fear of failure and can give us the actual reality of the world.

And he is not just blabbering like me or any other internet drama junkie, He knew what he was talking about.


I don’t see him being any of those things in that video, unless you’re a religious zealot who doesn’t accept any criticism of religion.

Where has @oompa gone?

Haven’t seen him in a while

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Are you from the OA Missing Persons Unit or something?

I hope people care if I ever stop posting for a while :smile:

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We would

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1 out of how ever many people on OA is pretty good

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I thought we were friends :santi:

that’s what friends do


There will be less Bellerin criticism