The randomly nothing thread

Can’t wrap my head around any of the ideas completely. It could be teeming with life or it could be totally empty. However, no evidence of life anywhere outside our planet confirmed. Yet. Anything that’s not proven as a fact, is false for now :joy:

I have had this discussion before on a different forum, and it all comes down to two things with this discussion.

  1. It is “arrogant” to believe we are the only intelligent beings in the universe.

  2. Given how vast this universe is, statistically we should have some company.

However, if we keep our humility aside and think from a statistical standpoint, you will understand how rare such an occurrence is.

Let’s check the funnel

  • How many planets are habitable for any life form?
  • How many of them actually do have life forms?
  • How many of those planets have resources/stability that can sustain life for millions of years?
  • How many of these planets will experience life forms that can be complex beings?
  • Complex beings capable of multiplying?
  • Complex beings capable of evolving to a form which enhances their capability?
  • Complex beings who found the most critical tool ever - communication?
  • Complex beings which are curious and can break through the cycle of ‘eat, fuck, sleep & poop.’
  • Complex beings capable of cognitive thinking?
  • Complex beings capable of organizing, testing, documenting & implementing their ideas?

It’s a tall, tall order for me and we don’t appreciate enough how rare is it to reach the position humans are at.
Many factors had to favourably fall in right places for all of us to begin, evolve and build as the being we are. Even in these favourable conditions, imagine our chances as a species if dinosaurs were around.

We have not yet dwelled into the possibility of said intelligent beings capable of being our “aliens”.

We are talking about

  • Intelligent beings who figured out physics
  • Intelligent beings who figured out interplanetary travel
  • Intelligent beings who could survive the duration of the trip

It is just difficult to imagine the odds on intelligent life form and even more unfathomable to think they can also travel across galaxies.

I am sure there’s life out there but I am just not sure there can be life form out there as evolved or more evolved as us.


Perhaps because our complexity is not yet well enough developed.

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Haha touche

Yeah. And when we get all of it figured out, comes the small question of what lies outside the universe. Fascinating stuff.

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If you take the universe to be infinite or ‘universal’, if you will, then there can be nothing beyond that.

Now some clever sod will prove otherwise. :slight_smile:

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When your mate Pete finally gets to the pub

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Further to, I present:

So, a friend I have known since uni, so 10 years ago, has only just realised that when I said I fancied Chris Evans, I meant this one


And not this one



Had to pay a pretty penny but got there in the end, like the place and it’s 7-8 mins walk from station and 10-12 mins walk from the beach.


That garage looks prime for a home gym, good choice.


Fantastic that mate. Congratulations and Can look forward to a good Christmas now and fresh new year.

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Thanks very much @Stroller @Gio

looks amazing, and the proximity of the stations you will come to love.

Congratulations buddy!

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Glad to hear and see you finally got your place. Looks really nice mate, chuffed for you :slightly_smiling_face:

Always said to you after your recent knockbacks in previous auctions it would work out in the end! Congrats and enjoy

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Much appreciated @Electrifying @CliftonGeraldi

Yeeeesssss, he’s only gone and done it!

All the waiting and working has paid off. Very much deserved, congrats to you both :clinking_glasses:

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Home sweet home, looks great mate, congrats.

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Cheers @wilshambition @JakeyBoy