The Liberal Democrats

I thought she was a bit of a dick, but can’t really blame her or her party tbh. The current system is against them and being the leader of that party doesn’t make you relevant.

They had 12 MPs, 2 of which were already leaders so that rules them out of a leadership bid. So they had 10 people to choose from. 2 choose to stand. That’s 20% of possible candidates, and I’d bet most of that 80% didn’t want to do it. Then she’s the leader.

Forgot to add, Sam Gamiyah is one of the biggest cuntbastards to have ever been born on this planet, and what the Lib Dems did in Kensington was stupid, heartless and moronic.

But about right for them, and this situation I guess.

So glad that moron and the rest of the independent group dipshits will hopefully never be seen again.

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Yeah I was going through the seats that changed hands last night and saw that and was horrified.

I don’t know why it was such a Lib Dem target. I do wonder how much some of these cunts influenced the result:

I guess they voted for a Tory and got one so can’t complain

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This happens when you try to vote tactically, rather than faithfully.

Oh lads Oh no :facepalm:

Who is Tim Farron?

He was the Lib Dem leader for a hot second until he shot himself in the foot with his antiquated religious beliefs.


Lisbon 67. What you got Tim apart from homophobia. Cunt.

That tweet about Lib Dems and Partick Thistle is so spot on lol

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Do you mean Patrick Thistle?

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Pretty sure we get seagulls along the Thames as well, missing some London boroughs there

When I saw this bumped I thought fucking hell what have they done to warrant talking about them :joy:

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