The Labour Party

I don’t think they’re racists at all.

That’s one thing I don’t think they are. At least not any more than anyone else.

They voted the way they felt would make thing abetter for them. But it won’t.

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The amount of things you’ve linked from Twitter which has been out of context or made up bullshit that you’ve believed hahaha. Jesus that line of argument always makes me laugh.

This is why I don’t see Jess Phillips or Kier Starmer as the answer. Will either of them see those reasons you mention. Another problem, let’s say the issue of immigration, do either of them shift Labour policy on this? Can they even do that when the membership views any shift on immigration as racist. That’s going to be the big one for Labour moving into the next couple of years. Boris will play hard on immigration and Labour will have to find a coherent voice on it, one that doesn’t repel it’s members and one that speaks to the lost voters. Intractable probably.

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After all, I am part of the electorate…

But honestly, if you’re fine and vote tory, cool. I see the logic.

But you had people in foodbanks voting Tory. What do you want me to say, ‘well done?’ ‘amazing, galaxy brain wisdom, bro’.

Here’s where I am right now reflecting on the labour party.

I think the party in it’s current form is dead. The difference between the urban middle class make up of party and membership and that of the working class electorate is irreconcilable. So there is only two choices for the Labour Party, either it turns itself into a blue labour outfit, which is currently impossible because there’s no way a middle class party defers to working class outlooks, or it forms a broad coalition with Liberals, Greens and SNP. That is the only way it can ever win. But I don’t see that happening either until it has another stunning defeat, but I think it will happen, maybe in 5 years. That coalition would basically be a soft / Tory light economic party, probably very green, and incredibly middle class and woke in outlook. And from there I think the Tories will basically become the permanent party of the working classes. I don’t see any other logical outcome to this.

Could you please elaborate on what you mean by working class outlooks that middle class people won’t get on board with?

Sure. That statement was rather vague. I guess I’m talking about the shift in outlook within the Labour Party fairly recently, say last 20-30 years. So a movement away from what Blue Labour say they stand for - a patriotic, communitarian, somewhat socially conservative outlook - so maybe a tougher stance on crime, thinking a bit more carefully about immigration, deeply sceptical about European Union membership, stuff like that, which I think - broadly - is where the working class has generally always been. What we on the left call progressive is not where I feel the constituencies we need to win or even just retain are, in cultural outlook. From personal experience I just don’t see middle class left leaning people ever getting on board with any of that, I don’t think they can. I mean even on just those three things I mentioned, general rule of thumb is for us (Labour members) to call people with those views racist. Hence, irreconcilable. On Culture, it pains me to say it, the Tories are far closer to those we need to ever win an election.


Thank you. Very interesting. Fucked if I have any answers. All feels pretty hopeless from a Labour perspective at the moment.

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The Boar of Deputies ten pledges that they want leadership candidates to wholly accept:

Number 8 seems a little iffy, who exactly counts as being a fringe group or individual? Seems to me to be something that could marginalise certain “fringe” voices like Norman Finkelstein or Noam Chomskey, for example. Just seems a bit like, “these are the right Jewish people and these are the Jewish people who are wrong”

Wtf is that the new Ten Commandments of the Labour Party?

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How many Jews are there in the UK?

It’s quite interesting as they must make for a very small minority in Europe yet politicians have to pander to them so much.

A bill in Danish Parliament to ban circumcision of boys under the age of 18 that gained over a 100,000 votes from a public petition (to have it debated) and serious backing from from pretty much every corner of the medical profession (doctors union, nurses union, psychiatrists union, as well as very prominent healthcare experts individually) was almost immediately shut down in parliament and decried by all of the Danish MPs as being anti-Semitic and a disgrace against our Jewish population.

Please bear in mind the Jewish population in Denmark is something like 8,000-10,000. It’s pretty much totally insignificant, they are not a big voter block or anything.

I can guarantee you if Jews didn’t circumcise their boys, that vote would have passed in the blink of an eye as it would only affect Muslims (that make up 500,000 - 600,000 of the population) and the Danish MPs would 100% have been totally cool with coming down on them.

It’s so weird. The Danish Foreign minister at the time also said he didn’t want the vote to pass as it would hurt out relations with Israel - which in itself also seems far fetched haha

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I detest these entitled cunts with an agenda to press right wing, Blairite and Israeli causes. Some of the cases for expulsion, include Jackie Walker, a Jewish woman with a Jewis partner who you can read about below and it’s fucking disgusting.

Some cunts are even calling Bernie Sanders anti-semitic because he criticises Israel’s human rights abuses and he’s a Jew who lost family in the holocaust.

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Banning circumcision of boys under 18? I couldn’t imagine not being circumcised lol.

What’s the logic behind it?

It’s painful for the baby/child and the foreskin has nerve endings, which allow a more pleasurable sexual experience.

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That religion shouldn’t be allowed to impact a child’s bodily choices, in the same way that you wouldn’t remove an infants appendix or tonsils if it wasn’t medically necessary.

F that lol. I wouldn’t even dream of not having my children circumcised. I’m glad my parents got me and my brothers circumcised.

Ban it I’ll just take them to Morocco lol

Also the whole premise of it is retarded. "I am God The All Knowing, The All Wise and I made you in my own image. By the way I fucked up giving you all a foreskin, I decided I don’t like the look of it, I order you to cut it off your young boys causing them pain otherwise you all goto hell. I’m the All Merciful by the way. No, I can’t fix it now, I might be the all powerful but I can’t stop boys being born without forskins because I don’t really exist’

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Yeah but you’re a practicing Muslim right?

Cultural differences and all that, Danes very much believe in the right to choose and that extends to babies and children :joy:

Doubt there’d be too many 18 year old Muslim men that fancy getting circumcised hahaha Funny how they’re ok with doing it to defenceless little boys who don’t get a say in the matter and might not grow up to even want to be Muslim

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I don’t subscribe to any religion. But I do believe in God.