The Iranian Crisis

The only thing we know for sure is we don’t know anything and there’s some kind of shell game being played by all parties.

There are several of scenarios:

Iran purposely shot it down—forcing the hand of US allies who’s citizens are wary of US military adventures in the mideast thus straining their relationship with the US. I think this is the most likely scenario

US shot it down—forcing the hand of their allies to join another “Coalition of the Willing” like during the Iraq War

Freak accident—Iran shot it down due to heightened alert

The majority of ppl on the plane were Iranian. Terrible situation, but if true I doubt it was an accident, how the fuck can you not be aware of what commercial planes are taking off ect if ur supposed to have heightened awareness?

They might have mistook it for a fighter jet and shit it because it was an hour or 2 after they shelled the US bases

Surely they’d have given the plane clearance to enter the airspace literally 10 minutes prior lol

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Probably some human or technical error.

Maybe the missile defence systems had some errors in its calibration or some missile engineer was a bit trigger happy and misread the radar or something.

Definitely shot down though but obviously Iran have to lie through their teeth because of how fucking embarrassing this is and because of the international incident it would cause lol


It depends how well coordinated they are. The US shot down a Irani civilian airline by mistake in '89 when they presumed it was a fighter

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Lol Iran just admitted to it

From Reddit:

[quote] This is immensely embarrassing.

US kills Soleimani after Iranian-backed militias try to pull off Benghazi 2.0. Iran’s response?

(1) January 7: During the funeral for Soleimani, in the midst of burning American flags and speakers touting the impending destruction of the United States of America, a panic-driven stampede kills 56 people and injures 200 in Kerman.

(2) January 8: Iran’s “hell on Earth” response against the U.S. (Operation Martyr Soleimani) is ultimately a very mild airstrike against U.S. bases with no casualties. Even radical Iranians are left confused at the extremely tepid “retaliation.” The Ayatollah’s threat of Washington in flames winds up being the most anti-climactic moment in world history since the end of Kill Bill Volume 2.

(3) January 8: After Rouhani condemned the U.S. for its downing of Iran Air Flight 655 on January 6, Iran goes oopsie daisy and shoots down a plane - Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 - killing 176 people, 147 of whom were Iranians, in the process.

(4) January 8: After the airplane goes down, Iran gets extra silly, immediately puts out a statement within 30 minutes of the crash that says, “It was a technical issue. Nothing to see here. Move along now” which immediately makes everyone twice as skeptical.

(5) January 9: The U.S. ultimately responds by announcing even tougher economic sanctions against Iran…and Tehran doesn’t respond, ending the 3 day brawl with an embarrassed Iran, 200+ dead Iranians, 0 killed by the U.S., and now Iran can no longer crow about Iran Air Flight 655 for another 3 decades without reminding their own citizens they killed 176 innocent people, mostly Iranians, due to a freak accident while trying to make a flex on the world stage. [/quote]


Moral of the story something to do with cutting the head off the snake?

Or, be wary of US presidents in election year :smiley: