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Nice to see you back, mate


The level of violence directed towards female victims by male perpetrators is truly disturbing. It’s one of those areas where most people don’t really understand the depths of abuse and how serious the issue is.


Couldn’t agree more. Hate the idea that my daughters live in a world where some men act like this and are allowed to get away with it by a flimsy legal system not designed to handle these monsters the way they should be.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Black Lives Matter Movement

So what’s the status re this guy who stabbed all those people in Birmingham? Literally all I’ve heard about this is the mans name. People seem to think he was Somalian but has that been confirmed? What’s his legal status, i.e. British born or immigrant or asylum seeker? The BBC reported that he prayed before the attack then took it down and said sorry, do we have any idea of motive? Lots of people reported that he targeted people from Birmingham’s gay village but then they went quiet on that. I’ve got to say I find it a bit odd how little this is being talked about. Is that because he is a suspect and not yet guilty? Or is it because I don’t watch TV and am just missing the conversation?

What the fuck. Death Penalty should be brought back for sick cunts like this.

Sick is the operative word here.

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The woman picked him up as she was so worried by his mental health, he then preceded to burn her alive and almost set fire to himself he had 50% burns and laugh.

I dont think he was okay at all and whoever allowed the release and whoever let him get to that state with no help when he was inside are the ones at fault here…massive incompetence. He shouldn’t be allowed out with the public for the rest of his life, as should be before he committed this act

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I agree, the bigger question is why he was released in the first place.

Now that’s a fine


Yes but I still I feel like if you and a bunch of like minded spawn concoct a method to knowingly cheat on how much you can damage the world wide ecosystem to make more billionz, a fee isn’t the right type of punishment.

Just imagine where you are in life when that’s what you’re knowingly doing at work day in and out. Trying to figure out more effective ways to shit more where other people of future generations sleep.

Here I like the North Korean approach of public execution instead. tar, feathers, a live band perhaps.


That fine is nothing. It’s calculated risk.

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Meanwhile, Qantas is offering flights to nowhere. How’s that for the environment? And why would anyone want to fly for 7 hours to only return home. No thanks. I get that airlines have been hit hard, but this is pointless pollution.


And that price!

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Presumably you’d have to wear a facial mask for that duration too which can’t be comfortable. Bonkers on so many levels.

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If the fine is less than the profit generated then I see that as a cost than a fine

The worst thing about going to another country is the flight to get there. Fuck me people are weird.