The Funny Picture/WTF Thread

Yeah I know but such a short time limit hah

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Ignore @sevchenko @Cristo
Our resident progressive @JakeyBoy would rather live under Communist China preaching equality of outcome

Such a sheeple

Was that an attempt at humour?

Can’t believe Jake has somehow backed himself in to a corner by saying Adam Sandler’s films are shit.

Never has something so truthful caused so much commotion.

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Yeah, there are no Adam Sandler films that are “hilarious”. The man has been stealing a living as an actor.

Just went through his films on IMDb and was reminded of Jack and Jill. And now I’m angry again about the time I’ll never get back for watching possibly the worst film I have ever seen.


The Al Pacino cash grab performance was funny though

Man butcher years of work in under 2 mins :joy:


@Cristo this is like defending Bendtner. People have their mind made up on this one too. I’m with you in the more good than bad camp.

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He’s better as a serious actor (as is Vince Vaughn)

If you haven’t seen it, watch Uncut Gems. Pure adrenalised drama.

No. I made a pact with myself to never subject myself to another one of his films unless someone paid me.

Do you take travellers cheques?

Time for the poll

  • Adam Shitler
  • Adam more good than Shitler

0 voters

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No because it’s not 1997

I’m gonna stop wearing denim now you’ve told me that.

I’m not sure a person of Jewish descent would much like having their name made to sound so similar to Hitler :joy:


Regarding Adam Sandler, he really fits into a very small set of roles which is unfortunate because I do think there is a great actor in there somewhere and he could have expanded his scope of work.

I am not against watching Sandler movies but it would take a significant word of mouth for me to foray towards an Adam Sandler movie.


Adam Sandler and everything he touches is utter shit. Happy Gilmore did have its moments. But the scenes that are even remotely funny, doesn’t include Adam Sandler at all :joy: The irony.

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As I’m not really a film fan, I wouldn’t know him from Adam.

“No Asians thankyou”
One of the best twist I have ever seen

