The Conservative Party


He’s :finland:


But he didn’t know it was a party! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

He’s no Finnish, he’s only 28


Oh so he finally remembered that he was there then?

Though he is still trying to cover his back by saying he thought it was a work event :joy:

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Don’t think I’ve ever heard so many MP’s calling for a PM to resign.

God I would defo



Innit :heart_eyes:

He’s essentially said he would resign if the enquiry finds him guilty. Now whether he sticks to that is another question.

Thirsty boi :grin:

Like I was stranded in the Sahara :sunglasses:

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Outside of having wide hips she’s got nothing about her that’s even remotely attractive lol


How much does all this really matter ? Won’t the conservatives walk the next election anyways ?

It’s about the powder dynamic :muscle:t5:

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Probably, because the electorate get the government they deserve

Depends entirely on how long he stays. If he’s still PM come the next election, they wont walk it at all.

The sad thing is that if the past two years haven’t woken many up to what the Tories are really about then nothing ever will so it’s possible we’ll be stuck with them even if bozo stays on.

Not sure, they’re gradually losing support. You’d hope it’d at least be a bit closer than last time

Compared to many politicians, she’s quite attractive in the facial region tbf

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