The Conservative Party

Environmental issues aside, the UK has needed to upgrade its rail services for decades.

Or in London where so many roads have been blocked for no reason. Roads lane made smaller causing more congestion

I do get but the cost keeps rising

I agree, but that’s not because of how much tax we spend. Rather it’s because in the UK everyone wants a piece of the pie, so everything ends up over time and over budget.

Which comes out of our taxes. How much of the bloated budget of hs2 could going into fixing roads? Our nhs is a tax sink without reform. Instead of hiring nurses they hire diversity managers on 60k and other dumb middle management position that has no net benefit to our health care

I don’t think I would disagree. But once you cut taxes, it’s those very public services which suffer, not the ‘vanity projects’.

Pay rises would not solve the problem if company expenditure has gone up. All that would happen is a cost cutting exercise.

Cutting taxes for people and companies is not a bad idea since both parties get to keep more money. If you are in a cosy of loving crisis the first protocol is to keep more of your earnings rather than less of it.

How do you propose a tax cut will benefit you?

Because to me all that means is less tax income from the government which subsequently means even less money available to spend on strengthening existing public services, infrastructure and whatnot.

Just sounds to me like companies that are already reporting record profits will be able to report even more profits lol

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Not necessarily, the people in control of these services will need to budget properly, which they are not. They don’t even source work properly just spend, and spend more to fix the problem created by spending haphazardly. Just look at Croydon for an example, spent millions of a vanity project that made the borough go bust.

Let’s not forget about the be diversity manager, officer jobs that are worthless.

Shouldn’t I be able to keep more of my earnings from my labour? I worked for my money not the government, and with the interest hike the interest on savings just went up so more money towards my house fund.

There is also record expenditure on the books, funny how much people have ignored companies saying the cost of business has gone up over the last two years.

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They’re cutting jobs by April 2024 as well. Pretty shameless move from the NHS.

And mostly corruption but that is the Tory party for you.

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One example croydon was labour, went broke borrowed money went broke again, and members are being investigated.

What? This is clearly nothing to do with the political party in power.

I feel every party is corrupt in some way regardless of who I vote for. Not sure if you are also enough to remember the Blair years


Blair was Tory-lite. Christ, even Rupert Murdoch was pro Blair.

When the Sun, the Mail, the Express and the Telegraph are championing a Labour leader, you know something is not quite right.

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Lol that’s only because the Overton window has shifted further left since he was in power. If you look at the policies still place from those years you would not say that

Hence I said earlier corruption is not a Tory thing only like some are making it out to be

They are. However this current government is off the scale, when you compare it to previous, Tory and non-Tory


I’m sure it’s all Labour’s fault, somehow.

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I never said anything about being labour fault I just said Blair was corrupt and he was labour. The point was governments are just corrupt. I only said to look at his policies so you could see he was not Tory light