The Conservative Party


Those goddamn authoritarian states and their lack of freedom to speak out against the government.

Oh wait…

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Labour needs to win the next general election so Starmer should adopt this policy too, you aren’t going to win a general election by challenging the Tories on these issues.

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You joke but I he may actually do exactly that


His whole shtick would work better if he actually looked good in what he wore

Absolutely spot on. My biggest criticism of Starmer (aside from us not being politically aligned) is that he is constantly being sucked into Tory battles, the only thing people here is him reacting to a joke government.

I struggle to understand how MPs can so badly judge public mood, they do meet normal people, their constituents, maybe more young people need to go along and put their point of view across.

The problem is that they don’t interact much with the constituents

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They have Surgeries with constituents. They’re well attended too and it’s usually people who don’t agree with current Government policies and other more personal concerns.

So the conclusion I draw is that they don’t give a damn about the public. Spot the ones in Parliament who reference a constituent, there are a few of them, they should be running the country, not the power-hungry ones.

Personally I think all politicians just panda to those who funded them and gives scraps to their followers to keep them happy

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That was a surprise! when they were handing out furlough and coronavirus loans out like there was no tomorrow, no one ever thought after that the country would suffer…

Keep lifting the energy price cap and energy prices keep rising as energy providers make more profit (but blame Russia) and guess what prices keep going up and corporates everywhere see this and increase prices. Staff want increases to counter this and the vicious circle repeats


Same here mate, astonishing that people thought the government could keep handing $750 a week to people whilst locking down for the best part of 2 years and suffer no longterm ramifications :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.

Keep printing money and at some point all will suffer.

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In the UK, it’s those that still had to go out and work during the pandemic.

Just seen a speech of Rishi Sunak complaining about Labour shoving funding in all the deprived urban areas and how he has started the process of undoing that lol


A “Did he just say that out loud?” moment.


But it does sound good to all the smarty pants right wing folk who think “spend money = bad, not spend money = good”. There are a lot of people who don’t have the mental complexity to consider anything that goes any deeper than this simple idea lol

He gave that speech in Tunbridge Wells too, a middle class, stupidly privileged town that sucks up all the funding from Kent County Council. The hospital there is also suspiciously better resourced than anywhere else in Kent.

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Levelling up totally in the bin now from both of them.

I do wonder how Cummings and Johnson would have got on with that in a covid free world. It made sense to keep popular support long term once Brexit was over and make real headway in Labour strongholds.