The Batman

Trailer just dropped.
Thoughts? Bobby actually looks good as Bruce Wayne.


My thoughts are how do Batman movies look so damn good every single time when we’ve basically been given the same film like 12 times in the past 20 years or so :joy::joy:


It’s Bats, man. :bat:
It’s him and Spidey, they rule the comic book hero world.
Poor Superman used be in that group but 2000s haven’t treated him well.


Superman is just a boring ass story tho.


Unfortunately, that’s what they did to him in the recent mainstream portrayals.
The character actually has depth but WB have no idea how to use him.
They literally told Henry Cavill that they have no idea what to do with the character. It wasn’t till The Witcher became a hit on Netflix that they called him up to at least make cameos in other movies they’re planning. :man_facepalming:

Btw, here’s the Justice League trailer. They’re re-releasing it with the original director(Zack Snyder) in charge. Will be released next year as a 4-part movie(4 hours in total).

Yes, it will actually have the same dimensions (something close to 4:3) as the trailer.

Isn’t there a very dark story arc in the comics where Batman mistakenly kills Lois Lane? They touched on this a little in Batman v Superman (when Batman was trapped in the desert)

That would have been a better story to put on screen for the Boy Scout

How many movies about Batman are there now? 56? More?


Got no clue. They have to come up with some wild shit I assume because the character is boring af lol.

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Exactly haha.

I thought Ben Affleck was going to do more. Even Christian Bale could have squeezed out one more movie as Robin’s (joseph gordon-whatshisname) guardian

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Ben Affleck was indeed supposed to do more. But it’s not really working out for DC, so he quit. Except Wonder Woman.


Ben coming back for the flash movie :grin: along side the best batman Keaton.

The trailers OK but Rpatz looks good as the batman but as Bruce he just doesn’t look the part an looks more like penguin from Gotham TV series.


Really interested to see how Colin Farrell plays the Penguin.

Think this looks fantastic, very keen

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Makes sense as Justice league characters are way too strong that you can’t have smaller Villians like Loki or Ultron. They have to go for something big straight away rather than a decade long buildup like Avengers.

I’ll watch it but have very little interest in it much like with the Joker. Will be emo quasi-indie whiney bullcrap probably.

We saw a humanised Batman with the Nolan trilogy. I want to see balls to walls crazy story arc from the comics but only the animated stuff seems to attempt it. Hopefully the Synder cut and Justice League Dark will give me what I’m after.

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not really a batman fan but he doesn’t really look like a batman

Too many films, too many Batmans…starting to get very tedious…


Nobody’s ever going to do it better than Christian Bale, I don’t even bother watching new ones


Adam West for me…nobody does it better…

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He doesn’t look good as Bruce Wayne but he looks good in the suit, he’s got that square jaw that’s perfect for Batman. I’m still partial to Michael Keaton, love those Tim Burton Batman films, they were perfect. The casting was incredible too, cmon Danny Devito as Penguin and Jack Nicholson as the Joker?? Doesn’t get better than that.