Takehiro Tomiyasu (18)

He can play RB, LB and CB, so valuable to us.


If he could just fucking stay fit.

We need him to start at the Etihad and Spurs. Feel like itā€™s a foregone conclusion that we lose if Zinchenko starts. For everything Zinny gives you (and it is a lot in possession), he is a big vulnerability defensively. Tomiyasu is the ideal option in those really tough away fixtures.


You know weā€™re gonna see a stat in three years saying ā€˜ā€˜Tomiyasu has only been availble for 37% of Arsenal games since joining the clubā€™ā€™


Considering he can play in any position in that back four, then if he can stay fit then he should get plenty of games.

Good versatile player, done well since he has joined us. Deserves a new contract. Maybe not a starter, but a very good squad player!

If he can be a rotation player I think heā€™ll stay fit. He broke down this time because we kept playing him. We also crucially arenā€™t relying on him to be fit all the time unlike how we handled the Partey situation.

Think heā€™d be effective along with Jorgi in the side since Zinny didnā€™t have to invert as much yesterday, and with Jorgi having a decent range of passing in his repertoire, thus replicating on the ball Zinny to a certain extent.



Sounds like a great lad

Glad he is back, Zinney is a fecking nightmare in defence.

Having Tomi back is a huge bonus. Can cover every position in fmdefence and is arguably our best left back.

Hopefully Timber back next month and I think we have the best defensive options in the league.

With momentum since winter break being positively good as shown by the results - having the likes of Tomi, Partey and Timber back will be a huge morale boost.

Edit - NVM


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Not sure how to feel about the extension tbh, mainly because the guy is injured 40 % of the time.

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The thing is he is out more than he is in, we need better than that. Yes, heā€™s good but his injury record is very poor.

Great player, but another weā€™re giving a free salary to whoā€™s never available.

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All good and well saying donā€™t extend and bin him off, but then that is just another hole to fill in the squad, when the reality is that he will be a backup to White/Timber/etc. We do not have budget to simply add players of his calibre and get players in positions we really need, so at this moment, even if we only get 30-40% of games out of him, the probability is that it makes sense to have this extension.

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The problem is that he canā€™t be relied upon to do that as he is mostly out of action.

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I understand the concerns people have with his injury record but I think the purpose of this new contract is to preserve his market value. Heā€™s only 25 with his best years ahead of him. He clearly can cut it at this level. Makes sense we sign him to a longer contract.

Tomiyasu missing a month out and getting back right on time for the international break(again):

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