Squad Management


That amount of turnover, yet retaining so much team cohesion. :ok_hand:t4:


Class rebuild


I wonder what people think will happen with Vieira and ESR in the summer?

  • ESR goes
  • Vieira goes
  • Both go
  • Both stay

0 voters

*Going doesn’t necessarily mean permanent

We’ll keep both. With Fabio going on loan in Jan

That’s what I’m thinking as well. Both staying on and fighting it out for whatever game time is left, one of them potentially exiting in January.

If I was betting man, ESR will win that battle because he’s shown a higher level here and is more versatile. Long-term it’s not looking good for either though.

Nelson not renewing could save Emile’s career here actually.

No way does ESR go. He was a starter just last season. Hard to see him breaking back in with the fork that Martinelli and Saka are in, but you never know.

I’d be delighted with a summer of

Mount ( I’ve come around on the idea of him as a good no 8 option primarily for 40-50 mill)
Another quality versatile defender

Now that sort of summer would cost around 250 million quid so we’d have to raise some funds…

Tierney 25 ?
Eddie or Balogun ?

Surely you can raise 100 mill out of that.

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50 mil on Mount would be a fucking disgrace imo

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Would it? I think today showed we can’t keep relying on Odegaard to keep coming with the goods creatively.

Vieira is Vieira and ESR I have no idea what’s going on.
We desperately need another more advanced midfielder, and I’m sorry, Rice ain’t that.

For the Ricedo gang, put Rice and Caicedo in the team today, do you see us fairing better? Because I certainly can’t see it.

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That would give me an aneurysm.

But we do know he’s a second fiddle type player. Too shit to carry a team but good enough to help a superior player shoulder the attacking burden.

We looked horrible out there today, out of ideas and out of energy, I don’t want him to play for us but we definitely need someone coming in.

Maybe I’m just feeling bearish today but I feel like every year we go into the summer saying we need a big transfer window without excuse and yet we never get it.

Although I still feel that it wasn’t the pure reason for our disappointing end to the season, it was criminal how we sat on our hands for the final 2 weeks of the window last summer and then on deadline day scrambled desperately for Douglas Luiz. That showed to expose a disastrous lack of plan despite some of the great work earlier in the window.

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We got it in 2021(5-6 transfers I think?), last year was a bit of a half-job because we could’ve used another 2 transfers.

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Ah yeah fair enough, upon reflection maybe! haha

From our current team, these are the players I can certainly count on for next season:

  • Ramsdale
  • Turner


  • White
  • Saliba(if he is staying)
  • Gabriel
  • Kiwior
  • Zinchenko


  • Partey
  • Odegaard


  • Jesus
  • Saka
  • Martinelli
  • Trossard

That’s 13 players. I think for the rest we should evaluate on how to proceed and certainly consider any offers that come in. I see a big gap in midfield that needs to be addressed. It is simply not up to par with other top teams.

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Listened to this while out a walk in glorious sunshine after work. Was good


That formation is illegal. Far too many players.


I like Balogun Jesus vs Nketiah Jesus


Objectively, is this a CL semi final squad?

I mean we’re better than both Milan sides who made it this year so why not