(Spoilers) House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones

Golden company need to fuck out.

S07 Finale - “I need a big army”
S08 Premiere - “Here’s a big army”

If that’s all it takes to win I’ll be pissed.


In the case of Jon, how? The Starks have been trolled to hell and back.

If he does make it and sits on the throne he may not be happy because Arya, Sansa or Brian could be brown bread. Perhaps even 2/3 them.

20 out of 22. Couldn’t remember the Khal Drogo one either and strangely the Bolton one.

Ygritte’s I just guessed

22/22 Got Kahl Drogo wrong, completely forgot Danny smothered him even though my initial answer is half correct :joy:

I also got Drogo wrong, 21 out of 22 wth!

Good first episode but way too feel good with the stark reunions :arteta:

Jarring to my now cynical mind, it’s a matter of time before they are shat on.

I feel like Jon is being groomed to take the Iron throne, but I felt that about Robb too before…

It does seem that the first episode was about creating some inter “anti-walker force” tensions.

I’m surprised they did the ‘Jons a Targaryen’ reveal so early but I’m glad they’re not dragging shit out. A good indicator for the rest of the season.

I think the 2 year gap may be exactly what’s needed, this may be one of the better seasons hopefully. First ep off to a good start.

Got 19 lol

21/20. Got the Talisa one wrong.

This was a pretty good watch and explains some possible connections between the Starks and The Night King.

So many got that wrong. Fuck me in again.



I want everyone to kill each other, human species to go extinct and Dinosaurs to take over digging up human fossils.
Later in Dinosaur civilization, they argue on whether money over burnt building could be better used on poor.

What does that have to do with Game of Thrones and was it meant to be funny?





Just to.confirm- are there spoilers in this thread (even by way of memes)?

Should maybe put it in the title.of the thread if so :man_shrugging:

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No harm in adding it to the title, so I have.

But if you’re coming into this thread before you’ve seen the latest episode then you don’t have much common sense haha (not “you” as in you personally, of course)


I’ll gladly accept the criticism :blush:

Exactly, avoid this thread post Sunday till you have seen the latest episode

I’m stuck down the biggest rabbit hole of YouTube game of throne videos at the moment. So many interesting theories, no idea what the fuck to think anymore :crazy_face:

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Bran is the Nights King, that’s it, no further theories matter. Look at their faces, they’re seperated at birth