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Why are you drinking in the morning?


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Itā€™s 5 oā€™clock somewhere right? :beer:

But jokes aside have you seen any of the other forums? fucking hell Dave itā€™s like something out of the early 2000s proper cesspit stuff, riddled with adverts, archaic search system, pages with 4 posts. Been spending the last couple of mornings seeing whatā€™s going on the Norwich, spuds and Everton forums, worst internet experience Iā€™ve had since I can remember. Nothing like this beautiful streamlined work of art we call OA.


You have far too much time on your hands :sweat_smile:


Itā€™s worth it to see spuds fans tears :sweat_smile: so much delusion, so much hope, then so quickly crushed. Plus I get up a 6 to pick up the little one so itā€™s better than watching milkshake and the assortment of crappy kids TV.


From where? Night school?


Thanks for the kind words @BizzySignal .

I make a living by designing optimal user experiences and making digital products look good. Naturally I have the passion to do this for OA as well. I have since the day I joined! Not just because I browse this site all the time and every small detail regarding bad UX/UI annoys me but because I really like this community. Like many others have already stated: itā€™s special.

For me living in Holland makes it harder to relate to Arsenal matters, most people I know only care about English clubs when there are Dutch players. OA has made me feel closer to the club and fans, ever since 2005 :slight_smile: I even met some of you and was able to score tickets!

I donā€™t consider the stuff I do for OA as ā€˜workā€™. As this place gives me a lot in return. Even though I donā€™t heavily participate in discussions I try and read most of it.

So yeah, I love this place man.

Ah shit, got something in my eye. Brb.


His Ego is now swelled. Are you happy now @BizzySignal ?


I want to complain that heā€™s getting all the credit but if Iā€™m honest all I ever do round here is move posts from one thread to another, or if I canā€™t be arsed just threaten to delete peopleā€™s posts.

What I will do though is give a shout out to @Craigie though, he does a lot to keep the site ticking over, but itā€™s all behind the scenes, so I donā€™t think most are aware of it.

Him and @Bl1nk are constantly having conversations about things I donā€™t understand, I gave up reading them a long time ago, now I just scroll by, trusting that weā€™re all in good hands.

Also, @Shill :raised_hands:


Yeah, you made a fellow human being feel good about themselves. I hope youā€™re proud of that, you piece of shit @BizzySignal


Tell him jake

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My bad didnā€™t know how much stuff goes on behind the scenes bug thanks to @Craigie boy as well and obviously you and @shamrockgooner. UI on this site really is the dogs.


Yea to be fair if he wasnā€™t right on it @Bl1nk knows Iā€™d be the first one complaining so I think in a lot of ways Iā€™m the true hero here.



Anyone else getting this prompt when trying to edit a message?


Yeah had it a bunch of times over the weekend and last week

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Itā€™s being looked at by Discourse staff. Will probably see it fixed with the next update.


Yeah but itā€™s nothing major.

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Yeh all the time because I never proof read my post till Iā€™ve posted. I donā€™t know much about coding but I assume we all have evil doppelgangers trying to edit our posts at the same time that we do. So do we go into the matrix to fight them to the death Highlander style or no?


Keen for this. Never killed a man before, feel like itā€™s something everyone should try at least once.


Youā€™ll be killing yourself, or at least your evil online persona. Well know youā€™ve lost if you come out different, fond of Norwegians and large dogs

Itā€™s a risk Iā€™m willing to take because no way Iā€™m trying to proof read my posts below posting them.


Yeah same as @Castiel I never proof read when I post, so when I go to edit the post after I get that notification. Itā€™s only a minor inconvenience though.