Red Dead Redemption 2

Lululul. Dayum homie ur awesome :joy::joy:🖒. Take away all of that RL success, and you’ve got me. Shit, I’m a loser who just plays a lot of video games :expressionless::expressionless:

Finally completed the Red Dead Redemption 2 story on Friday having played it on-off at a leisurely pace since release day.

Simply put, the Redemption series as a whole has been the most meticulously crafted, unique and beautifully executed story game experience I’ve ever seen in my time with interactive entertainment.


Would you say it’s worth grinding through the story then? I’m finding it so difficult to get gold on the missions

I rarely got gold, didn’t replay them either. I may go back to it one day. But going through the story and side missions was good enough for now. Still must have out 60 or more hours into it.

I never cared for completing missions ‘perfectly’ so to speak. Never saw any of the story missions as a grind either.

Yes, play the story. Whether that’s one hour a week or ten this game isn’t something to rush.

Once you reach Saint Denis, the touch paper is well and truly lit. The missions become all kinds of varied. Every one of the nay sayers I’ve spoken to about the game were gripped by that point.

The writing, character development and soundtrack are the best I’ve ever seen.


Is this game still boring as fuck?

I assume so

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