Pineapple on Pizza - a discussion

Pineapple is OK, but banana and honey sounds absolutely gross.

Pineapple is nice on pizza, too bad I’m allergic :cry:
Best thing though is banana and curry. Epic combo.

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I used to dislike the concept of pineapple going on pizza, until I actually tried it


Been a relentlessly tough week for me the last month or so at work. Been doing a few all nighters and easily averaging 16-18 hours a day.

Things are beginning to calm down somewhat so thought this was the best way to see the week out.


You should be sacked


A miserable end to a miserable week. Let me guess, washed down with a nice, lukewarm can of Carling?


We sent our interns out to get drinks for our office Friday bar and they came back with 12-packs of Fosters and Carling 🤦🏼

They’re under strict orders not to do that again


Can’t be having that from a Sam Smith (brewer, not singer) fan!!

@Cristo I was at a business lunch with TFS on Weds and they were telling us all the stories of all the things they made their interns do back in the day. Like the 5 Big Macs in under 10 minute challenges etc :joy:


That is a mighty fine pizza bruh, mighty fine. In this crazy upside down world we’re living in its nice to see that there are still some sane people about.


Tuborg or Carlsberg next time or no jobs for them.

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We used to always send our work experience girls to Marks and Spencer for Friday Bar. We said whatever snacks, but there must be alcohol!

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I can see Cristo doing the intern evaluation now. “Demonstrates poor judgment when given decision-making authority.”


Unfortunately we’d just given our feedback for them the day before.

Won’t make that mistake again :joy:

Great looking pie my dood. This is the one that put us pineapple lovers over the top in the poll as well :grin::grin::+1::+1:




yeah but would a program know about what it tastes like :henry2:

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Wondering why people would put pineapple on Pizza but not other kind of fruits.

Since my favorite style is the super supreme type from Pizza Hut, there is no pineapple on it, so I would say no.

Think this settles it to be honest. Might as well close the thread.

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I don’t know why there is still a debate about this. Ham and Pineapple is a classic pizza choice and happens to be my favourite. The pineapple goes perfectly with ham and with the cheese. Add a bit of BBQ sauce and it is perfection…

And anyone who thinks that fruit doesn’t belong on a pizza…well, you put tomatoes on, so why not pineapple!

For the record, I also prefer mayo with chips which may be considered a bit weird.

The really weird one though, that really seems to offend people, is that I prefer cold baked beans to cooked.