Pictures of OA members

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Weird, didn’t come up when I searched for it!

I remember there being a photography thread on the old OA which is why I looked for it.

You’re just jealous that you have no lads to go to the pub with


I’m just jealous about the pub. Enjoy mate haha @Aussiegooner

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Its the pub part thats a struggle, not the mates part :slightly_smiling_face:


I like how you felt the need to defend it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Fuck did I pay for last nights session, fell asleep on train home and woke up at the end of the line, throbbing headache this morning, echo didn’t get his morning walk like he does every day.

All in all was great to get out though, catch up with some good mates for the first time in 5 months etc.



This is what happens when you are forced on an indefinite break mate you lose your rhythm

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Why weren’t you practicing during lockdown by drinking heavily alone? Bad form.


Lockdown confirmed me that I’m pretty much a social drinker, home alone with just me and the mrs ( who doesn’t drink ) I rarely have more than 2-3 beers.


That face doesn’t need a mask

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By rights I should have had a face mask on in that train, I did have a whole 4 seater to myself on the trip on the way in though.

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Oh no I was not criticising for lack of mask

Yes I figured lol

I was not*

Oh my bad haha.

Hahaha I ain’t one for fake smiling in photos, ever since childhood I’ve disliked the smile for the camera mantra, although I do get forced to do it on occasion :joy:.


I know what you mean mate, I force myself to in photos but it never feels natural and I rarely like how I look.

Glad you had a good one with yer mates. I’m sure hangovers are still fucking shite but it must be quite a novel feeling haha.

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The best photos I find are ones taken when people aren’t expecting them and you get a natural smile in them.

Yeah mate it was good just for catch up laugh and talk shit with friends, hopefully the UK is like that again very shortly.