
What a little poser :joy::heart_eyes:

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We went away for a weekend a couple of weeks back and we definitely didn’t let Chester break the rules about getting up on the furniture.


Poppy was very tired this morning so we all decided to sleep in


Crates get a really bad rep because people use them completely wrong, in this instance you’ve nailed it and they’re such a good tool for owner and dog.
We always used to leave the crate door open and our springer spaniel would often just plod on in for a nap.


We went Roman instead of Greek and called our cat Juno. Ancient gods and goddesses provide fertile ground for pet names imo.

Simply because youve never met my wife.

When it comes to pets, especially dogs, that’s an elite mentality she’s got there, you’re lucky.

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Is that a Samoyed ? Gorgeous looking dog.

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Yeah mate. And thanks.

@SRCJJ, congratulations on the new pup. Cute little guy you’ve got there. How old was he when you got him?

I want to 9 weeks when we picked him up and he was 12 weeks the Saturday gone :fist_left:t3:

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My boy out for his first walk today


Behaving ? Or the excitement too much ?

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Very well behaved especially given it’s his first time out. He wAs a bit nervy with all the cars and cyclists but moment we got to a small park and he saw other dogs he just fell right into the routine of sniffing and playing with them.

Let him off his leash and he’d always stay close, moment I’d call him he’d run back so all in all he’s a good boy


Sounds like he’s doing really well- how old is he now? The best bit of advice I was given was to let our dog Neslon off his lead as soon as possible, the theory being that he wouldn’t be overly confident and roam too far.

Like you, we let him run free on his first walk and his recall is usually amazing. The only caveat to that is he can get very excited with other young dogs and is sometimes too distracted to return immediately. I now use a 211.5 whistle and it really helps at distance meaning he can roam a fair way and pose more effectively…


What a beautiful little boy he is. I pretty much had it the same way as you, let him off his lead and he didn’t stray too far and outside of getting distracted by other dogs he was really well behaved.

He’s 15 weeks old this Saturday so it’s nice to get him out of the house a as I hated having him indoors / the garden all the time because he’d get so super excited just running around a room and there wasn’t much space for him to enjoy and socialise with other dogs.

It looks like you live in the perfect space for dogs though haha. Plenty of greenery for them to roam and enjoy I’m in a concrete jungle with some tiny little squares along the way


Can’t let Chester off his lead at all. He still regularly chases birds and cats despite often running out of lead and falling on his arse.


Poppy cornered a squirrel in a tree the other day, super focused


Pile on!

We’ve been training our boy offleash and we have plenty of woodland and fields nearby. He has a high prey drive, which is a problem but we’ve nailed it mostly with most of the wild animals out and about where we live. If there was a pheasant running into a bush or something, he would instantly chase. We can now call him off or in most cases now, he just looks on as this thing flails off into the distance.

He’s still not great with dogs though, so we are careful about where we walk etc. The boy is going off to a board and train for this soon!


I let echo off lead at times but not as much as I’d like, Samoyeds have such strong chase instincts it can make it extremely though :cry:.

:sob: :sob:


Fucking hell man I’m in pieces here!

I’m so envious of all you guys with your beautiful dogs. I miss my old boy and I think he was that once in a lifetime dog people have.
I’d absolutely love another but I work too much and it’d be ridiculously unfair.