Name the film

Funny, I’ve been called Proudlock before

That comes as a surprise to absolutely no one

It’s the glasses I think :thinking:

Hmmm. Yeah and the fact Chelsea is your spiritual home.


Might be more to it than just the glasses pal

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@Cristo I’m surprised you haven’t bumped into him in Whole Foods in Fulham Broadway!

I haven’t met any of the made in Chelsea lot! Not that I know any of them by site.

Although one of them is in our dog walking WhatsApp group for the park - I think her name is Louise??

I definitely see Chelsea players driving a round in their obnoxiously loud cars though. Pretty sure I’ve seen Zouma and Willian and maybe Batshuayi.

This one?

A WhatsApp Dog walking group is just the most Chelsea thing ever


I think so yeah!

There’s like 107 people in the group to be fair, some of them are a bit doolally you won’t be surprised to hear.

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@Gio got you

The trueman show?

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great film ^

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What film is it then?

Didn’t want to play, just wanted to say for me it’s up there :slightly_smiling_face:

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M :new_moon: :earth_africa: n

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I can’t remember too much of it lol.

I can remember it not being shit (like the Martian) but not mind blowing, either

Fuck out mate. Quality film. As is Moon.

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I think I just don’t like space films Sham.


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Invincible they said! Pfft!

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