Name the film

Nope, nobody gets wet in this one

You got mail?

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Clue please :grin:

it has a snowman in it

Gremlins. Can’t believe no one got that.

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Definitely a Wes Anderson film, no clue which one though

I only know one. And that doesn’t look like Fantastic Mr Fox :laughing:

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I’d guess the Darjeeling limited? Wes Anderson is so fucking good.

Actually now I think he was the main guy on royal tenenbaums aide or something.

^ poor film among a load of greats from Anderson


Moonrise Kingdom?

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It could be any of the ones mentioned haha

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Except for Fantastic Mr Fox @Phoebica haha

@Gio you got it. Kinda. Royal Tennanbaums. :slight_smile:

Have you seen Isle of Dogs? It’s a bit weird and that but, from a graphic design viewpoint, all the Japanese symbols and how everything is displayed on screen is so, so visually appealing.

I saw it in the cinema - a friend of mine worked on it actually!

Fucking loved it, thought it was such an incredible film. Especially visually.

I know a lot of people don’t like Wes Anderson for having quite a flamboyant style, but I just absolutely love his films.

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this doesn’t surprise me :slight_smile:

Yeah, Cristo is Spencer Matthews

I definitely get bigger Proudlock vibes