Name the film

Haha how, there’s no spoilers :joy::rofl:

Ok probably one the greatest Xmas films of all time, definitely in the top 5. That’s all the help I’ll give.


I feel like Chandler in Friends when he makes that resolution to not make fun of his friends. And he really struggles. I’m really struggling to stick to the deal I made with @shamrockgooner

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Can’t sleep and am literally watching this right now…

“hunt that little shit down and get me my detonators”

Die Hard.

Famously not a Christmas film.

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Your turn. Post a still image.

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Sorry, I should have clarified. Post a still image of a film that we will know.

Ideally a close up of Leo.

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100% chance of there being the red stuff from your veins.



Uh-huh, but more… it’s basically all there in the hint. :wenger:

I don’t follow at all. I am really smart, but also stupid. So you will need to explain this one

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It’s definitely not on the board behind PTA and DDL in this pic.


See, an example of me being stupid.

There Will Be Blood. (Only giving the answer because I have a good one next)

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To be fair it’s called LAST Christmas and you said it was really sad. I’m sure it’s obvious a few minutes in what the deal is though and also none of us are going to watch it so it doesn’t matter. :slight_smile:

This is why I’m waiting til the last possible moment to fulfill my end of said deal. :smiley:

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The often forgotten Christmas film Lethal Weapon?

We both know that is wrong on two counts

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Good because it’s not even a good film, Turns out the guy is a ghost, and has been dead all along tried to be clever about is as well. Didn’t quite work out like that though.

Ah, Patrick Swayze did it better, anyway.

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When I heard the ending of that film I laughed out loud. Didn’t even include the best bit he’s not just dead, he’s her heart donor. Gave you my heart. GET IT? :arteta: :poldi: :ozil: :sol:

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Yeah I forgot about that bit :joy::rofl: