Kai Havertz (29)

As good as he’s been since Jan and I give him his props he’s been good, I’m still not there in thinking he is set and forget in the positon

For me that’d pose a risk going into a new campaign without bringing in a striker

More firepower is needed in addition to a wide player IMO especially because so many goals came from set pieces which is great but it’s not necessarily something that you can replicate season to season

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Dude was absolutely devastated at FT, he was in tears.
Didn’t even bother celebrating after scoring.


I expect a top campaign for him in the Euros and I think he’s gonna be a menace for us next season too.

I say he scores >20 PL goals next year.


at least we should have Havertz cooking for the whole of next season for us, this season he started of poor because of the lack of confidence from Chelsea

He was also played out of position in the beginning and a couple of times midway through the season.


Always makes me chuckle when Chelsea fans try to start a Drogba/Henry debate.

Drogba scored more than 16 goals(in all comps) only twice in his time at Chelsea. Remove Lampard from that Chelsea team and it’s rough.

B-but Drogba showed up in finals. Fuck off!


Yeah just saw that…

Brilliant to see it :+1:

When I saw him at the start of the season I never expected him to fight for the team this much and work so hard.

If we end up getting a top striker, a new starting 9, you’re basically marginalising Havertz’ role (who was one of our best players in the second half of the season) in the team and still leaving some other bigger issues in the lineup unsolved…
I don’t don’t think that would be the most efficient move for us this summer.

Get another top winger, keep Jesus for a squad role, stregthten the midfield further and we’re cooking with Havertz as the leading 9 next season.


Get the feeling Kai will end up having an impressive career similar to that of Giroud and T.Muller.

There’s something about him, the passion and desire is there without a doubt.

He scores or assists in most games now. 20 G/As in his first season here, best of his EPL career by far.

I think we can trust him. He will cook next season. I’ve changed my mind over recent weeks, perhaps 2 wingers + CDM would be ideal instead of an ST.

But it looks like we’re after Sesko, so who knows how this will turn out.

We need to improve the squad without completely destabilising it too.




Impeccable taste :pinched_fingers:


So pleased for Kai. Fantastic season in the end once he had settled. Really looking forward to seeing him push on next season.

Very noticeable yesterday at the stadium with the number of fans in the new home shirt…there were a lot with Havertz on the back :heart:


Didn’t want him here to begin with and didn’t like him playing in midfield but he’s been just fantastic since January and I’m really looking forward to how he adds things to his game.

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Pleased to be proven wrong on him too. It felt like another flaccid signing from Chelsea that was going to go horribly wrong.

Early on in the season, he proved a lot to me to begin with; I never thought he had it in him to put in the graft to win duels, drop deep and keep things ticking because he only ever seemed (in my mind) to be an Özil-esq attacking player that feigns from that sort of business.

Maybe a bit of a blessing that Jesus had his strains because we might not have seen the 2024 version of Havertz until later on. I am glad that (supposedly) the club now view him as a forward. He’ll still fill in at LCM from time to time next season but if we can harness this version of Kai for the next few years, we would be silly not to play to those strengths.

Hoping he has a semi-decent Euros but hopefully gets knocked out early enough that he can have a much deserved break.

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20 G/A in the league is more than most people would have even optimistically predicted.


If we end up using him as our first choice striker for the whole of next season (and we keep our best players around him fit) then he could very well achieve 20 league goals. He ended up with 13 with the vast majority coming in the second half of the season.



New Bond villains?


Odegaard clearly Bond out of these two…

Do love to see they have formed a close bond. The togetherness within the team looks genuine and very strong.

Oh come on, with that accent? He’s absolutely born to monologue about the plague of humanity and how detonating a nuclear bomb at Hoover Dam is the only way to save the world from itself.

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Bond villains are never that good looking…